Who is farming worms? What method do you use? What bedding? What do you feed them?

Tell me everything.

  •  Foon   ( @Foon@beehaw.org ) 
    71 year ago

    Yesss a place to talk about the little poop noodles! I’ve had a bin going for about 2 years. I use a stacking bin with 5 trays. After starting it, I realised that the whole CFT idea doesn’t work as well as I was expecting, so essentially I treat them as independent bins that the wormies are able to move between freely.

    I’ve found that a pretty laid back approach to feeding them works the best for me. Whenever I have kitchen scraps, I toss them on top. I add a small part of our coffee grounds (we drink a good amount), the rest goes straight into the garden. And whenever I feed I toss in a similar amount of dry shredded cardboard. When a tray is full, I move another one to the top and start feeding that.

    For bedding, I just use the cardboard I toss in continuously, and lots of small bits of browns that are too big to be composted by the worms. Like small sticks, some corn cobs that went in whole (the worms love to chill inside them), a load of pistachio shells that have been in there for a year that the baby worms always sit in, etc. Whenever I sift out a tray all that stuff just goes right back into the new one I’m filling, the worms seem to love it.

    Seems to work well for me! Only problem I ran into recently was we had a lot of rain, and apparently so much moisture got in through the air holes that parts of the bin turned anaerobic. Which apparently attracted a whole lot of ants. Fortunately I managed to dry out the bin a bit, and got rid of most of the ants. So all’s well in noodle town again.

    • Can’t argue with any of that. Sounds like you and the worms doing great!

      The consistent habitat is something I’ve never thought about. I do mix castings from one side to the new side in amongst the new bedding to accelerate the bacterial load and help the process of breakdown, I always imagined the biochar helps with that too on the microscopic level. I suppose a lot of worms hang out in weird places in my farm as well; down below in the channeling that’s been created on the wood base, on the sides, on the lip etc.

      Make sure you add !composting@slrpnk.net like @drk@slrpnk.net said. At some point in the future, who knows where the niche stuff will go once the community fills up.