Who is farming worms? What method do you use? What bedding? What do you feed them?

Tell me everything.

  • Can’t argue with any of that. Sounds like you and the worms doing great!

    The consistent habitat is something I’ve never thought about. I do mix castings from one side to the new side in amongst the new bedding to accelerate the bacterial load and help the process of breakdown, I always imagined the biochar helps with that too on the microscopic level. I suppose a lot of worms hang out in weird places in my farm as well; down below in the channeling that’s been created on the wood base, on the sides, on the lip etc.

    Make sure you add !composting@slrpnk.net like @drk@slrpnk.net said. At some point in the future, who knows where the niche stuff will go once the community fills up.