It happened to me recently at work. I don’t even find her physically attractive, and her personality is not what I’m into at all. But I was still somehow attracted to her - and she also was to me. She didn’t like me, and I certainly am not the kind of man she goes for. It’s like we had a strong connection in one area beneath the subconscious or something, but every other area was completely incompatible. Aggressively so.

Anyone else have anything similar?

  • There’s this chick at my gym. She has an amazing body, nice face and everything. I’m taken so it’s whatever, I’m not thirsting over her, but she’s noticeable.

    Anyways, one day I’m working out and I hear her talking to someone else. Her voice is so deep and raspy I did a double take to make sure it was her. Instant ICK but I’d still hit it with earplugs

    • Haha I had a similar experience with an Asian lady several years ago. I was lost and asked her for directions into town. She had the prettiest face, and a dainty little physique. She answered me in a sweet manner… then turned around to her family… and screeched in a loud, twangy, pitchy yelling voice. It completely changed how attractive I found her, but I thought a similar thing about earplugs.