Never played past an hour or so. I’m gonna give it a good try to get into it.

Are there any mods that people would suggest I use for quality-of-life improvements?

  • For a first playthrough I’d just play the game stock. In fact I still usually play the game stock. Mods can be great fun, but they alter the gameplay experience and the base game is still excellent.

    If you’re having some trouble getting into it, for a first playthrough try playing a stealthy archer. It’s so satisfying in a way melee and magic just isn’t, and it doesn’t interfere with the roleplaying elements.

    • That’s an idea! I can struggle with “Open” world titles not giving me interesting things to do.

      It took me ages to get into BotW because I had undiagnosed ADHD and didn’t realise I needed to set my own goals to get enjoyment from it