And saw a bunch of posts about the third party apps closing down, and lots of negativity about that whole fiasco.

… And I realized I hadn’t been there for a week… And frankly didn’t miss it. I am really loving the beehaw (and Lemmy as a whole) community. Thanks for being open, welcoming, responsive, engaging, and just generally nice people. I’m happy to be here. :)

  •  Evkob   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    It’s so cool to be able to use different front-ends to access the same content. I personally prefer Lemmy’s software, but it’s refreshing to have a choice in how we interact with a content platform.

      •  Evkob   ( ) 
        51 year ago

        I love that! Honestly the whole reddit fiasco has been a huge push for me to switch to open-source platforms. I’m now on Invidious instead of Youtube, here instead of reddit, and I downloaded the LibRedirect addon to redirect me to open-source alternatives whenever available.

        I already run Linux Mint on my laptop, so right now the last big holdout is my desktop running the reviOS version of Windows 11, and my phone which I need to get around to rooting.

        •  Gork   ( ) 
          31 year ago

          That’s great! I think we’re at a stage of the Internet where companies are grasping ever tighter. But as Princess Leia said, “The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.”

    • I’ve ended up liking the lemmy interface more, but it was definitely way too overwhelming at first. Kbin helped me understand how content is spread out across instances in a much more obvious way.

      That then let me know which communities I should sub to in order to make my lemmy account more what I wanted and expected.

      •  Evkob   ( ) 
        31 year ago

        I’m definitely a nerd who loves to tinker with tech-y stuff so I just spent an entire day playing around, but yeah kbin has a bunch of potential in regards to making onboarding smoother.