And saw a bunch of posts about the third party apps closing down, and lots of negativity about that whole fiasco.

… And I realized I hadn’t been there for a week… And frankly didn’t miss it. I am really loving the beehaw (and Lemmy as a whole) community. Thanks for being open, welcoming, responsive, engaging, and just generally nice people. I’m happy to be here. :)

  • I’m gonna stay on my 3rd party app until the June 30 midnight close… I want to try and witness one of the biggest tech crashes in modern history.

    I really think reddit hubris has massively underestimated the user loss they’re about to feel.

    FUCK Em’!… (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻

    •  Jxn   ( ) 
      201 year ago

      I share this attitude. Been on reddit for 17 years but am super sad to see Apollo go. That said, I use reddit on desktop with Enhancement Suite and it’s tolerable, after all the curation I have done on my subs. So it may be hard to leave, if I’m truly honest with myself. Dipping my toes in elsewhere to see what resonates, though. I’m super frustrated with the capitalist money grab and centralized social media problem reddit personifies. :(

    •  God   ( ) 
      141 year ago

      Ehh I doubt it’ll crash. Most major subs are modded by their own people. Worst case scenario they’ll overthrow the mods that blacked out, prop up some puppets and continue as if nothing had happened. Worst case scenario they lose 6% of their audience and recover it back in a few months of ads.

      •  Strafer   ( ) 
        61 year ago

        Same. I remember back when forums were more of a thing (they weren’t perfect) as were dedicated servers for multiplayer games; both which had their own smaller communities which actually worked well.

  • I had a realization last night.

    Used to spend a lot of time on reddit on ttrpg subreddits reading about how other people were running their games instead of working on my own campaigns. Now, a lot of the time I would have spent reading about how someone else was doing the thing I wanted to, I’m just doing it. The dynamic is inverted.

    This is what healing looks like.

  • I think I’m going to still use reddit to solve certain problems when googling. It’s still a good resource for solving specific problems. Just won’t spend any browsing time there. Just in an out.

      •  nevird   ( ) 
        81 year ago

        I started using DuckDuckGo actively in 2014. It has since been my primary search engine. It used to be very similar to google: minimalist, an ad placed as the first search result and that’s it. DDG has stayed pretty much the same. The few times I now wander on google to try to get different results, I just find it so unusable. Search results are swimming in an ocean of suggested content… I’m never going back.

      • I’ve noticed I’ll type in the exact name of the website but forget the .com to tell my browser to go directly there, so it will do a search. My results show the site I was looking for halfway down the page, with the first half being ads and even competitors of the site! I’m not searching for items from the site but the site itself yet Google is so useless it shows me a bunch of similar stuff even when I gave it a specific.

    • Definitely relate to this! If I google something and one of the top results is a Reddit post, I’m usually pretty excited because it means other people having similar issues will be able to offer advice on my particular use case. And there’s so much content already on Reddit that you’re very likely to find something helpful!

      •  pizzaboi   ( ) 
        41 year ago

        Yeah, it’s so useful because you get suggestions from real users along with discussion and a voting system. You’re not just relying on an algorithm to point to a poorly written list with the right keywords stuffed in. Oh, you’re looking for the best xyz? Here’s a list of Amazon affiliate links chosen by an “expert.” No thanks.

      • Welcome! I just came over yesterday because I submitted a report, WHICH WAS ACCEPTED AND ACTIONED BY REDDIT, then got a week ban for abusing the report feature.

        I guess they don’t want us tying up resources as they work overtime to alienate the users that make Reddit worth a shit. 🤷

        •  blindsight   ( ) 
          1 year ago

          I just got banned from some of my subs for spamming their mod queue by accident… I edited all my visible comments to 4 links about the API changes. It triggered AutoModerator a zillion times.

          I was going to let those comments sit for a bit before deleting my account.

          That’s not really related to what you’re saying, but I guess I just wanted to share it with someone!

          • That sucks.

            I had already nuked my 15 year heckload of karma “main” because I ran afoul of a super mod with some fairly innocuous opinion. Got banned from one sub, confused I modmail to ask what’s wrong and how I can fix it, get muted and immediately banned from upwards of 10 other subs. 🤣

            Gave em a piece of my mind and killed it, because I’ll be damned if I let some butthurt waffle bully me like the internet is some sorta “real world.”

            • I wasn’t planning on going back to Reddit, so I don’t really mind.

              I feel badly that I wasted mods’ time, actually. Part of the reason I edited my comments with a protest was to support mods.

        • Maybe… but I’d guess in the same sense that Digg is still around. You’re right about the type of people migrating here, though - Reddit no longer cares about intelligent discussion, it’s all memes and snark and political outrage. They don’t want an informed populace, they want a populace that can be steered toward whatever they want.

          This is not the first mass migration I’ve seen from Reddit, but this is the first one that feels like it might actually stick, for a couple of reasons: First, Lemmy finally feels like a viable alternative. Previous alternatives like Voat were quite abrasive - like I’m all about free speech, but I don’t want to see a bunch of hateful content just for the sake of being shocking. Second, this time they’re fucking with the mods. And while a lot can be said about the quality of the moderation over there, people abhorr being asked to do more with less, especially when they’re working for free. Lose the mods and the site is DONE. It will be overrun with spam so quick it’ll make your head spin, and then the last exodus will occur, quietly. And Reddit cannot afford to replace the unpaid mods with paid mods, they simply don’t have the resources.

          It will be interesting to see how things go with Lemmy, but I have hopes - with it being decentralized, if a community becomes toxic or overly-censored it seems easy enough to spin up a rival on a different instance and filter the bad actor. At least that seems to be the pitch, let’s see how things shake out over the next year or two.

          I’ve been on Reddit for nearly 15 years (since just prior to the digg migration), but it is nothing like what it used to be - it’s changed, man, and not at all for the better. Lemmy definitely feels more like Reddit of old, and I’m excited to be here - now I just need to find my hobby communities and I’ll have my new internet home. But the communities will come, the apps will come, and I have high hopes. Let’s go!

          • I’d add a third reason that killing the apps materially affects all the people who were die hard app users. Previous proposed reddit boycotts were over some issue like the site firing the woman who organized the AMAs or some other moderation issue that for the most part didn’t impact the rest of the experience of browsing. It’s easy to forget how one subreddit got ruined or some admin drama because it feels distant from day to day browsing. Taking away the apps is impossible to avoid. App users can’t just shrug about all this drama and go back to browsing the way they are accustomed to. Opening that official app is going to be a constant reminder of how ugly all this was. It will make sticking to a boycott much easier I think.

        •  Dessalines   ( ) 
          1 year ago

          FB and twitter are losing users, but very slowly. Reddit will go out the same way… It’ll be a whiny, decades-long, fading away into obscurity, while still retaining lots of assets.

        •  alex   ( ) 
          61 year ago

          I paid for RIF is Fun Platinum Golden, just as a thank you to TalkLittle for his awesome work. I feel bad I never did it before, but I really appreciate them

      •  Dalek   ( ) 
        71 year ago

        I’m currently feeling both lol. I’m sad Reddit is making the decisions it’s making. Having communities that big help find niche info. However I’m glad everyone is giving them hell for how they’re treating devs and users.

    •  Poke   ( ) 
      171 year ago

      It really seems like they are tying to tackle two issues at once here (LLM training on reddit data, revenue from 3rd party apps) and they aren’t doing a great job at communicating why they are making the API changes. It doesn’t help that the company has a history of making empty promises, so nobody trusts a word they say.

  • Haven’t stopped using reddit, tbh. But my usage has noticeably dropped - haven’t even commented on a single thing but one after installing Jerboa. Having an alternative really does help. I’m confident I can completely stop redditing on mobile by the end of the month as long as this community stays active.

        • Honestly, the complexity of federated services isn’t for mass adoption. And /r/SanAntonio users are some of the last I would expect to see adopt lemmy. And I feel I’d have to get comfortable with it myself before recommending others, as that comes with the obligation to help them out.

          Like, why do thse two instances of this post have 1 common comment, and 1 missing?

          Also, what’s with this ‘search ! on your instance to find this post and be able to comment on it’ crap. I was linked to pineapplemachine from beehaw, maybe thats the other user’s fault… idk. it’s a real rough experience from the start.

          •  Andreas   ( ) 
            201 year ago

            Please give Lemmy some more time to develop. Until the Reddit API announcements this week, it only had 2 hobbyist developers contributing to it at a slow rate because of its small userbase.

            Content can appear slightly different between instances because of how posts are retrieved with federation. In the threads you linked, it’s likely that the older comment doesn’t appear on because it was posted before federated with Comments that were posted before two instances federate with each other are not synced between the instances. This prevents small instances federating with big ones like from being bombarded by thousands of comment requests.

            The problem with links to remote communities not converting to links on the home server and the confusing federation process are also being worked on, but again, Lemmy (and Kbin)'s contributors are a few unpaid developers. They can’t be expected to push production-quality Reddit features instantly.

            • I’ll definitely give it some more time, I thought I saw a post somewhere that Lemmy was being developed by 2 paid developers. Regardless, I may try my hand at contributing. I’ve got a degree in compsci and some experience on a few personal projects. But first gotta get my head wrapped around how all this works and then get digging through the code.

              Just watched a video that mentioned the possibility of following a mastadon account from a peertube account, being able to communicate cross-instance and cross-application within the fediverse, which sounds like a neat ability. Though I don’t see how to do that just yet. I’ll keep poking around and reading.

      • I’m a few miles up 35 and finding the only real utility Reddit provides other than killing time is /r/Austin, and even there … well, I get NWS alerts on my phone, take transit and don’t lose pets, so the level of usefulness may be more imagined than real.

        At the same time, the initial reasons I joined Reddit other than link aggregation aren’t what they once were. I’ve found that DIY projects I learn about on Reddit and then have questions about details on get zero responses, and the communities I joined years ago have been so overrun by people who want karma over discussion that there’s not much value there, either.

        Using Google to search Reddit can be useful, but then you get a great detailed post from four years ago and can’t do anything with it if you have further questions. The thread is locked on account of age, and people get pissed if you post a new thread on the same topic that links to the original.

        What this API fiasco has done is bring into specific relief where Reddit has already failed and turned all of those into a cohesive narrative that was lacking up to this point. I’d heard of Tildes but not Lemmy until this week, and already my work internet use has switched from RSS then Reddit to Beehaw then RSS.

        I guess I needed to get hit over the head with just how bad things had gotten via external forces to overcome inertia. Interestingly, two months ago, I was running Windows on all my computers, and I finally snapped on how invasive notifications and forced-app shenangians had gotten.

        The stages of grief may end with acceptance where people are involved, but they certainly don’t need to with technologies and platforms. I’m starting to better understand the grousing I wrote off as narcissistic woe-the-hell-is-me was actually a congregation of coal-mine canaries.

  • I’ve curated my subreddits pretty well, so I will miss some of them if they don’t move over here or someplace similar. But there’s enough going on that I think it will not be too bad.

    • That’s my biggest concern as well. I mean, I have no loyalty to reddit as a platform, but it does have vibrant communities for the numerous (and often niche) things that I am interested in. So divorcing myself from reddit almost entirely will be… difficult, but frankly, the platform has been going to shit for a while now and a kick in the butt to leave was sorely needed.

  • I haven’t been back to Reddit since I created an account on here a few days ago. I thought I would be going back there regularly to consult my more niche subreddits, but I haven’t been back at all.

    I’m happy with where Lemmy is right now. So for me it can only get better here. I think I’m 100% done with Reddit.

    RIP Sync for Reddit, you were my go-to for the past decade.

    • 11 year old account here, I’m getting ready to pull the trigger. So much time spent on niche subs that will be hard to replace, but I suppose that means I should be more active in any similar counterparts on Lemmy to help them grow and flourish.

      •  gredo   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        What’s keeping you from creating those niche communities here? As long as it’s still a manageably small community here, moderating it wouldn’t be much of a hassle.

        Go for it!

      •  pkulak   ( ) 
        31 year ago

        16-year-old account for me. I probably won’t delete it, because it doesn’t do me any good to do that, but I’m not really showing up anymore. Especially after I have to delete Apollo.

    •  Riyria   ( ) 
      101 year ago

      I probably won’t delete my reddit account until the subreddits that I’m relatively active in gain a bigger presence on Lemmy, but if that happens, bye bye reddit.

    • I don’t have that fortitude yet, haha. My account is from 2007. Have my little Colbert Rally badge on it from a goofier, tighter-knit time on Reddit. Feels more like a monument than a home now, though.

        • I’m currently looking for this, and I don’t think Reddit has a feature that’s what this sounds like. On Facebook you can download all your data, photos, posts, comments, in one big pile. Closest thing I can find on Reddit (which only came up when I googled it externally) is a form you can submit to request what data Reddit has “about” your account. And they request 30 days processing time.

          • You can use the 3rd party scripts that are usually for mass editing/deleting to save all your comments/posts, I think, and without editing/deleting if you don’t want to. Like Power Delete Suite and Redact. But that doesn’t save other peoples’ replies, or the post you made a comment on, so far as I know.

            • They don’t work for frequent posters. I could only save my top 600? comments, 1000 most recent comments, and 600? most controversial comments, which is only maybe 10% of what I’ve written.

              Realistically, that’s plenty, though. I don’t need a museum of everything I’ve written on the site, but I can open it up if I’m ever nostalgic for it.

  •  nikmis   ( ) 
    211 year ago

    I am happy to see reddit go. I came in to reddit on the Dogg exodus, tried to leave reddit on one exodus that turned out to be all racist and right wing (voat maybe?) So then went back. If Lemmy doesn’t work I’m just going to have to go outside or something

  • If there’s content on Reddit you absolutely must view, I definitely endorse RSS readers. No need for an account and you get rid of the infinite scrolling and data mining of the Front-page view

    •  kotatsuyaki   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      Wait, I didn’t know that it’s possible to use RSS readers to view Reddit. Just tried it out, and it’s even better than using old Reddit (which I’ve been doing for ages).

      Edit: Here’s how to use RSS readers to view Reddit.

      If there’s content on Reddit

      And there are a lot of content there indeed. I find myself constantly appending reddit or to my search engine terms in a desperate attempt to get information from real-ish people and not from SEO shit.