Aww … poor little ISPs.

    •  Queen HawlSera   ( ) 
      10 months ago

      It’s why the “Oh the Free Market will sort itself out” is such a bullshit claim.

      My five year old who just got shot at the fifth school shooting this month is just gonna have to buckle down and be patient while I compare quality of service and cost of… the one hospital in town and… that one in the next county ever.


      • It’s funny because I’ve literally never seen a single person genuinely make that claim. Just people being mad about theoretical people making that claim. I’m sure they exist, they must with how many people claim to know someone that said it, but that line of logic doesn’t seem to be as common as people make it seem.

        •  ripcord   ( ) 
          10 months ago

          I have run into many people making that claim.

          Online, offline, politicians, etc.

          And on the free market isnt sorting itself out - the claim is usually that the gubment is still not letting the market be free enough. That’s usually the claim, for example, from all the right-wingers I know for when they get cornered on why health care costs are 1000% ridiculous.