A commune or a cult would be better than this circus lol

  • Why not a commune IN the city?

    Not saying this is you, but I feel like a lotta people who wanna live in the country also want all the city amenities - internet, garbage pickup, municipal sewage, etc.

    To me, the problem isn’t cities, it’s late stage capitalism - gentrifying neighbourhoods, driving rents beyond reach, displacing communities. Plus its zeal for car-focused infrastructure, conspicuous consumption. All that stuff.

    Anyway communal life is very appealing - I long for my college days of living in a house full of peers. Even if i’m off-base with my capitalism ruins the city argument, I think we’d all do better at coping with modern life with a wider support network.

    I hear they are growing more popular in the bay area? Gideon Lichfield, outgoing editor-in-chief at Wired, mentions he spends half his year living in a commune of sorts and would like to do it full time in this podcast.
