and I am really not impressed. I don’t want to know more about the story, don’t want to build a spaceship that I can fast travel with, don’t want to explore the universe.

What are your thoughts?

    • I’m the type of guy who hates New Vegas because it felt awful to shoot things (and that’s why I’m still addicted to Destiny). Aiming’s a bit weird, and shotguns don’t have too much impact, but other than that, it’s not the worst shooter I’ve played. I’ll probably stick with it.

    • I would say it is. The shooting is hands down best Bethesda combat, clear enhancements over Fallout 4. And I haven’t really been into too many fights yet. Having been to Mars I can start to see how the environments really change up the combat

    • I was surprised by how much a gun’s handling can change based on mods and stuff. Like, I have two SMGs of the same type. One feels like this pinpoint accurate, low recoil special-ops stealth gun, the other one kicks like a mule and sprays lead at basically everything vaguely in front of me.

      Also I can have a 1911 and VSS in space, so that’s fun.