• Yeah nah fresh litter is completely and overwhelmingly fragrant, and im not about to spring for litter that’s 3x as expensive to avoid that.

    Unclean and fresh litter are both pungent. One is worse, for sure, but this is just finding an excuse to claim you’re better than others lol

    • The litter we use is unscented, you can only smell it if you stick your head directly in the open bag. It’s only like $5-8 more than the other bags too, well within reason for a home that doesn’t smell. If you’re interested this is what we use. Can’t recommend it enough, it completely eliminates the smell as long as you keep up with cleaning. But go off on how much better I think I am than others I guess.

      • I have yet to find an ‘unscented’ litter that actually works as litter, and manages to actually be unscented. Perhaps, and this is a crazy thought, different people have different senses of smell and life experiences.

        Yes, you literally believe you are better than others, your entire post was ranting about how other cat owners don’t clean their litter boxes as well as you do.

        • I didn’t know a single sentence at the beginning of my comment qualified as a rant. I’m sorry you feel so attacked by pointing out that a cat owners house doesn’t need to smell and that it was confirmed by others in the comments.

          different people have different senses of smell and life experiences.

          Maybe you should listen to your own words and realize that our homes don’t have to smell just because yours does. Have a nice day.

          • And there you go acting superior and not listening still, incredible. My problem is specifically the smell of the sand itself. Sounds like your nose isn’t sensitive to it and that’s great for you.