It’s a Bethesda RPG in space. If you’re looking for No Man’s Sky, it isn’t that. If you’re looking for Elite Dangerous, it isn’t that. But it is a BSG RPG, just like I’ve been playing since Morrowind, and it really scratches that itch. I like the characters I’ve met, I’ve enjoyed exploring, and I’m starting to get into the lore and history. The weapons feel great and the gunplay is good. I tried the ship building and was pleased with how smooth a process that is.

I’ve seen a few graphical glitches, but this really is the least buggy-at-launch BSG RPG I’ve played. It’s definitely made for a controller, but that’s fine, that’s how I prefer to play these days.

  • That’s exactly the kind of bug I’ve come to expect from their games. It’s usually a couple of patches in where they figure out that you bumping into your companion should get them to move, or you having the ability to tell your companion to move.

    I couldn’t count the thousands of hours I’ve logged on Bethesda games, but they’re the reason I have 200 gigs of save files every time I play an RPG.