It’s a Bethesda RPG in space. If you’re looking for No Man’s Sky, it isn’t that. If you’re looking for Elite Dangerous, it isn’t that. But it is a BSG RPG, just like I’ve been playing since Morrowind, and it really scratches that itch. I like the characters I’ve met, I’ve enjoyed exploring, and I’m starting to get into the lore and history. The weapons feel great and the gunplay is good. I tried the ship building and was pleased with how smooth a process that is.

I’ve seen a few graphical glitches, but this really is the least buggy-at-launch BSG RPG I’ve played. It’s definitely made for a controller, but that’s fine, that’s how I prefer to play these days.

  •  Sharmat   ( ) 
    101 year ago

    It’s been pretty fun so far, yeah. It’s just what I was expecting pretty much, an Bethesda game (and fallout 4 to a greater extent), in space.

    Just wish they’d added a proper map instead of that scan line lookalike.

  • I’m waiting until a patch comes along that addresses performance on the steam deck. I am pretty flexible when it comes to graphics quality and frame rates and such, but the current reviews are not looking playable.

    As a point of reference, I played hundreds of hours of Daggerfall with all the joys of getting stuck in a wall only to be killed by guards, and jumping over a pit in a dungeon only to fall into the Abyss Between Worlds. I’m a TES fan from the early days and I know how bad they can be on release. I just have a lot more to do in BG3 before I feel pressure to try something new.

  • I’m only 2 hours in and I’m liking it too. Some things aren’t clicking yet for me like the space combat but with more practice I think I’ll get the hang of that too.

    The one thing I dislike is how my robot companion will run into me constantly or block me in a small passage. I had to reload a save because I was stuck with a glitched floating vosco that wouldn’t let me jump around or even go underneath lmao. He’s been glitched like that for the last 40 minutes.

    I’m actually getting a refund now. This game ended up being too tedious for me. After trying to explore New Atlantis for over an hour with that fucking horrible topographic “map” I refuse to deal with this for the next 40+ hours. Hell even Redfall was able to capture my attention longer than this mostly because it actually has a FUCKING MAP.

    • That’s exactly the kind of bug I’ve come to expect from their games. It’s usually a couple of patches in where they figure out that you bumping into your companion should get them to move, or you having the ability to tell your companion to move.

      I couldn’t count the thousands of hours I’ve logged on Bethesda games, but they’re the reason I have 200 gigs of save files every time I play an RPG.

  • You’re right that it isn’t NMS nor Elite Dangerous; but God damn do I see bits of their influence in it. The exploration, base building and survey stuff is a bit like NMS. The aesthetics and how random missions fit in the game is similar to Elite. One of the ship builder companies named in Starfield gave me deja vu because it sounded like a knock off of one of the Elite starship companies.

    I think if you like either of them, you might enjoy Starfield. Slightly more advanced than NMS, but not quite as hardcore as Elite. Pretty decent middle ground as far as space games go. The story missions have been rather dull, but the random “go out and have fun” shit is fun. I haven’t even been beyond the first 2 star systems. There’s so much shit to find just walking around on a dead planet like Earth.

    I’m also surprised that it not only runs, but is playable even though I have an unsupported GPU. 30 fps most of the time, at low settings and 1080p res, but it’s a consistent and smooth 30, and generally only in the large open areas. Inside it’s pretty snappy. Contrast that with Fallout 4 which I got day 1, with the exact recommended specs they had listed, and it was pretty non-playable once you started approaching the city center.