• If you ask me, a game has to be tied or close when it comes to fun, story (if applicable), and music in order for me to even care about a game.

    You could throw a text based terminal game using ASCII art at me and I’d love it just as much as a game such as Hitman Blood Money so long as it’s fun enough.

    • Indeed.

      Graphics will always be less important

      The popularity of various “ugly” games is proof of that



      Dwarf fortress


      Diablo 2 (not resurrected)

      Probably many many more

        • Minecraft is a strange one for me, because it has never caused me that reaction of “this game looks bad/ugly”. I think something like Infiniminer looks ugly, Unturned looks ugly, most Minecraft clones look ugly, a lot of more “realistic” games look ugly, but somehow not Minecraft. I can’t quite put my finger on why I see it as different somehow.