Can I please just get a car, instead of a rolling computer / infotainment / privacy nightmare?

  •  Ocelot   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Im really curious as to how a nissan gathers details about sexual activity. I mean teslas have interior cameras that use image recognition to confirm that your eyes are on the road for safety, The data verifiably never leaves the car and is never saved but “Collecting data on facial expressions” seems like kind of a weird and dishonest spin on that.

    “Volkswagen’s cars reportedly know if you’re fastening your seatbelt” Is that just the occupancy sensor and seat belt sensor letting you know you forgot to fasten your seatbelt? or that one of your passengers is unbuckled? I wouldn’t consider that an invasion of privacy.

    Collecting the data is not whats important when theres safety implications. Its what’s done with the data thats important and potentially privacy invading. Nissan does have the term about selling your data in writing, thats probably more of a legal blanket statement to cover them in the future for some super weird edge case.

    Generally speaking privacy invasions are more aligned with free services