I’ve never been sentimental about a social media site but it’s sad for me to see reddit so clearly killing itself. Pushshift is already banned and Apollo is soon to follow. Reddit will either pivot fully to a mainstream audience or die out. It’s just sad for me to see it doing it to itself.

  • Personally I’m glad to let it go. The site has been a source of frustration for me (not all the time but there’s just some uniquely reddit things that get tiresome to run into constantly) for many reasons and having a reason to step away from it has made me realize I will only miss the one community on there I was active in.

    The rest, I will let fade away from my memory and let it be.

    •  ultra   ( @Ultra980@lemmy.ml ) 
      21 year ago

      Yeah, just check r/redditmoment for uniquely redd(sh)it stuff (the hivemind deciding it doesn’t like a random comment, every discussion turning into the same unfunny jokes or porn, etc)