I’m personally crossing my fingers for Discord.

  • I don’t really see YouTube failing anytime soon. They have such a massive userbase, it’s hard to imagine any other platform taking over anytime soon, regardless of shitty UX decisions. Creating a successful video platform like they have is an enormous challenge, the only reason they succeeded is because they were early.

      • I don’t know about YouTube not being profitable, but even if they aren’t, you’d be hard pressed to find a company better equipped to handle a money sink that Google. In 2022, they had a gross profit of 156 billion… I don’t think they are panicking, scrambling to monetize YT at Alphabet HQ.

        • Tbh I’m 99% youtube has been very profitable for a long time. Google said it wasn’t, once, like… A decade ago? And I think people just internalized that and didn’t realize it changed.

          As far as I know, there’s a lot of info they don’t share, and a company can very easily appear “unprofitable” if the profit is immediately reinvested into the company, or by other tricks. People also say amazon is unprofitable, sometimes, and, yeah, no.