• I discovered the glory of freezing my excess food instead of letting it go bad and I’ve never gone back. Never again will I experience the heartbreak of an entire block of cheese going moldy. (Important: GRATE THE CHEESE BLOCK BEFORE YOU FREEZE IT)

      • That I don’t know other than sodium possibly being an issue. I learned this info a while ago but for this comment I grabbed the first link which featured a credentialed dietician. Since it was high in the search results and from the language used in the article it could very well be an industry advert. Hopefully the dietician didn’t risk their license by making a false claim in service of the industry.

        • I doubt any industry advert would make straight out false claims. Usually you just direct the covnersation and avoid negatives and overinflate positives. Salt is a good point. I know there is some low sodium but not sure if there is no sodium and I bet if there is it will be replace with another kind of salt.

      • Fresh produce is completely raw, frozen is typically parboiled (very slightly cooked), and canned is completely cooked. Frozen is typically the best balance between freshness and convenience. The only veggies I buy fresh are things I’m going to eat raw, like broccoli for eating with dips.