New thread!

This week for me I’ve been playing more starfield. Took a break though to play the new re4 dlc. It’s amazing! Re4 remake is probably my favorite game ever at this point so I’m super happy to see separate ways turned out so great

  •  J.P.   ( ) 
    22 years ago

    Apex Legends has become my go-to comfort game (non-ranked, and without any voice or written chat, everyone muted by default).

    I’m also trying to get into Street Fighter 6, but just watching tutorials melts my brain. Everything is an overwhelming info dump.

    • Dont give up too quickly on SF6!! It’s not as hard as it’s made out to be. You can get away with quite a lot with very little intentional play/very little knowledge, and mashing the rest of the time. The other concepts you can pick up as you go once you’re comfortable!

      •  J.P.   ( ) 
        12 years ago

        Thanks for the encouragement! I’ll keep trying, I just feel like there is a very steep curve until I reach the point of not having to use 110% of my brain power. As things become muscle memory, they’re becoming easier and more enjoyable.

        • The joys of learning something complex. :) First its just a hassle to get the moves you want when you want them, but that comes quick enough. Then its recognizing the importance of anti-airs and how to do those and land those. But soon enough you figure that out too.

          Just stick to one thing at a time, drill it and enjoy the small W’s. Once you’re comfy you can explore more. There’s always a new thing to explore no sense in trying to do all of them right away.

          •  J.P.   ( ) 
            2 years ago

            That’s definitely my issue, there is so much to learn that I’m trying to learn too much at once. I’ll try focusing on one thing at a time. Thanks for the tips!