New thread!

This week for me I’ve been playing more starfield. Took a break though to play the new re4 dlc. It’s amazing! Re4 remake is probably my favorite game ever at this point so I’m super happy to see separate ways turned out so great

  •  sub_o   ( ) 
    1 year ago
    • I’ve finished FF9 Remaster, the game has some problems, mainly the battle feels slow compared to its predecessor. And personally, Zidane is not as interesting / relatable, maybe until Disc 3. Vivi on the other hand, is one of the best characters in Final Fantasy.

    • Halfway thru AI The Somnium Files Nirvana Initiative, the game is an improvement over the first game, so far it seems like there’s a sci-fi hook dangling in front of me, that keeps me going. Characters are still ridiculous, but never annoying. The Psync gameplay part is still nonsensical, but some of them are funny enough that I can look past it. Excited to see the reveal.