my biggest issue was the bullet sponging and totally unbalanced combat, youd either be a god that couldnt die or someone who has to land 50 headshots with a sniper rifle to kill someone

    • Yes. That is what I’m saying.

      Yes, it does get a bit easy towards the end, even on higher difficulties. That did not make me say it was a bad game at all though, you asked if it is “good” now. I think it’s always been good, but I personally don’t care about things like bullet sponginess or if I got “too many headshots”. I just had a fun time playing it.

      • no it’s not about how hard it is to get headshots it’s about how little damage you inflict relative to you takw throughout the whole game, that whole ‘god or balloon’ imbalance causes combat to slog. that isnt a nitpick, thats one of the most important things a combat game (yes it’s other things too) can have. it’s nice you enjoyed though and i appreciate yourbhelp