In the privacy community there are services, programs for private maps use. Some even suggest using the phone without a SIM card (which is quite possible, but you can get into trouble). But I don’t use them, as my geolocation is already tracked by an advanced camera system in my city, by my cell provider via triangulation. What are your thoughts on this? Do you use OpenStreetMap for private navigation?

  • Yes, I do. It is entirely unacceptable in my opinion, and when given the chance, I will use tech that does not support this system, even if in the end my location or something else is exposed by something out of my control.
    As I see the solution is definitely not to give up.

    Also, what do you mean by getting into trouble for not using a SIM card in your phone? They won’t arrest or fine you.

    •  FarLine99   ( ) OP
      39 months ago

      principles are a good thing ❤️ tried to use Organic Maps/OSM in the past but it was not good enough for me. when i was talking about troubles it is more about missing important info about other people/inconveniences than some legal stuff 🙂

          •  N4CHEM   ( ) 
            9 months ago

            Area is pretty outdated in OSM

            Well, we can all actively contribute to OSM to improve the maps. I personally enjoy doing it and knowing that the map data doesn’t belong to a private company like Google.

            No bus/train schedule

            I am used to check those on an external app from the service provider. I understand how that is an issue for you, but in my case I don’t miss it.

            (no) car accident alerts on place

            this could be useful, indeed, but it is hard to implement while keeping user’s privacy. It can also be unreliable if users don’t report them properly.

            (no) places reviews from users.

            I personally prefer it like this: it means less clutter on my maps, and unfortunately online reviews have become quite useless in the last years: businesses push to remove negative review and buy fake positive reviews. I no longer trust them.

            •  FarLine99   ( ) OP
              19 months ago

              i already contributed to OSM in the past. my hometown became much more detailed because of this. also, on Yandex there is more info about places (prices, types of food f.e., some specific stuff, which is added by place hoster in time, no latency)

              in our city all needed information about bus schedule provided ± exclusively through yandex so it is really needed

              but it is still really useful feature :)

              yandex local reviews are still fair, no company deleting comments bullshit so they are useful

    • They’re cutting phones off or not activating without them now in the USA, including e-SIM. And making noise about going cashless which is annoying since most convenience stores charge service fees to use a card, regardless of what you spend.