• I’m not diabetic … but half my family is (and I have a big family) … and I’ve seen my share of out of control diabetics who have full blown attacks because they are so chaotic that they don’t bother monitoring themselves or their disease. I’m Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario and I have a pretty dysfunctional family … I’ve seen young men in their 20s with out of control diabetes … people in their 30s with blood sugar so freaking high, you wonder why they are still alive … .people in their 40s with amputations due to diabetes … and people dying in their 50s from the disease. It’s terrible. On many occasions I’ve had to call ambulances and take family and friends to emerg because they were helplessly losing control of their mind and bodies due to diabetes … it isn’t pretty and absolutely terrifying.

    As to the GERD … that disease affects mostly my affluent friends in cities and towns in the south … I have four friends who are in their 50s who have severe GERD to the point where they can’t breathe at night because the reflux is affecting their esophagus and obstructing their airway … and the only way they can properly breathe at night is with a mask and oxygen.

    • I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for 12 years and a director at a kids camp for type 1 diabetics for 5 years. There is no such thing as a “diabetic attack”. There is high blood sugar (because diabetics either don’t make or don’t process insulin) and there is low blood sugar (because an insulin dependent diabetic took too much insulin). What you are trying to describe is a diabetic seizure which 99% of the time is an accidental overdose of insulin (low blood sugar).

      Now if you’re trying to talk about complications from uncontrolled diabetes from a lifetime of not taking care of it yes that is terrible, but that’s the minority of diabetics and you have to go to pretty extreme lengths of not taking care of it (literally years/decades) to get to that point, so let’s not act like the issue is the diabetes itself.

      And even if we ignore all that what the fuck does that have to do with eating meat? Most diabetics prefer a high protein diet because it’s CARBS that raise blood sugar. If you’re argument is meat = fat = overweight then 2 things, overweight doesn’t cause diabetes (it’s a factor for type 2 only), and 2: the issue still isn’t the diabetes, it’s the complete lack of caring for a medical issue.