• Yes, I almost always edit my comments after writing them. In any case, though I wrote in frustration there are obviously good reasons why I was frustrated, which can be found in the text, which you dismissed with fake pathos and bad faith.

      Go away.

      •  bermuda   ( @bermuda@beehaw.org ) 
        1 year ago

        I have never seen somebody whine about upvotes this badly before.

        Man like at least reddit gave you karma…

        You literally got praise like in the human lexicological sense and instead you prefer the fake points? They’re right, you really do need a break from the screen.

        • Who is continuing to belabour the upvote comment, while ignoring everything else? It began with your lexicological “praise” and ended in a dismissal with fake pathos.

          I should have said “just an upvote”, but it’s so besides the point.

          This is why debates suck, because they are glorified popularity contests, where the points are more or less subconscious.

          You defend not only the method indirectly at which I was dismissed, but you also continue to say “get off the screen” while typing into your screen.

          Hypocrisy is not a good look.

          Now, I ask again, please just leave it, if not, make some arguments against the points I was making instead of relying on an ad hominem.

      • Man I’m sorry. I didn’t realize upvoting was important to… anyone.

        If I upvote your comments will you feel better? I definitely don’t want you to have fake pathos and faith bags. Looking at your tiny amount of Internet points I guess I can see why it upsets you.

        • It’s not a question about points, it’s more like you read the frustration, and you could have thought “geez, dudes straight up not having a good time” and just leaving it at that. But instead, you feeder to dismissal via false patios, and now instead of leaving it be, you continue with bad faith.

          And why do you continue to harp on about it? Is there some reason why you continue to defend your dismissal? Do you get anything from that? Think about it…

        • I am rethinking my priorities, always. You could read some of my other comments and see that I was having a bad day. But I’ll you what: I don’t take kindly to fake pathos.

          It’s in effect just being condescending, and that’s just throwing more gasoline on the fire. I’ve seen it used a lot lately. Like beginning a sentence with “u good?” and then just dismissing points or ideas that was the intent.

          It’s particularly nefarious here on Lemmy, because people go into two paragraphs with fake pathos and it is honestly infuriating.

          “You’ll catch more bees with honey” rings true, but please don’t think people are stupid.

          As it stands there’s not a single rebuttal to what I see as a severe political issue. It’s not just derisive, but it helps nothing.

          People might just retreat deeper into their holes, and if that was the intent, that’s what I call bad faith. In effect that helps no one.

          So please don’t play armchair psychiatrist. You have your vices too. We all crave some form of validation. Being ignorant of that means you probably need to recheck your priorities.

          • So you decided that because someone didn’t upvote your comment even though they thanked you, they were displaying fAlSe PaThOs? And then went on several turgid self-important rants about how everyone is just acting in bad faith?

            We all crave validation but holy shit are you something else

            • …aren’t we done with this yet? Still not satisfied with trying to crawl into my brain, or is this all performative? Did that one point mean anything? Is it such a great cudgel to wield?

              Last word.