Many on the Latte Left facilitated this new era of fascist censorship. Remember when people didn’t care that folks who were accurately assessing the situation between Ukraine and Russia were targeted and silenced?

    • Russia has grievances that could be addressed in a negotiation; the question of NATO membership for Ukraine, UN monitored referendums on whether the disputed regions want to stay in Ukraine or join Russia or become independent, a truth-and-reconcilliation to address the legitimate Nazi concerns, etc.

      But y’all shit your pants whenever any of this is brought up so we’ll just fight to the last Ukrainian instead 😒

      • Who gives a shit about Russia’s grievances? You don’t get to invade a sovereign nation and murder its people because you dont like the way they do things in their own country. (Or at least your shouldn’t, if we lived a sane world). It wasn’t right when US did it in Iraq, it wasn’t right when Russia did it in Ukraine, and it’s certainly not right for Israel to massacre and invade Palestinian land.

          • I don’t expect negotiations with Russia. They have no legitimate legs to stand on. The only acceptable solution should be full withdrawal of all forces from all Ukranian regions and severe international sanctions to cripple their economy even further. You don’t get to break into someone else’s house and then demand they negotiate with you before you leave or demand they give you one of their rooms for keeps because you don’t like who they hang out with.

            • The person my neighbor hangs out with is a known serial killer that is openly hostile to me and keeps trying to set up cameras inside my house, yeah, I might try to do something about that lol

              I don’t see why UN monitored referendums in the disputed regions is so unacceptable. If people want to leave or want to stay, let them decide.

              • The regions are only “disputed” because Russia invaded another sovereign nation under false pretenses 9 years ago, brought in their people, set up sham elections, and is now claiming there’s a legitimate, native contingent that wants to break away.

                Also, while I won’t dispute the serial killer analogy (I get it, USA is a shit hegemon), it’s again a bit disingenuous because you yourself have enjoyed chopping up boddies from time to time (to keep the analogy going) so the pearl clutching is not as strong of an argument as you may think. Likewise with the cameras: they’re setting up cameras in the neighbors yard, not yours (because again, the neighbors house is NOT YOURS).

                • Was it under false pretenses? As far as I’m aware, the Russian speaking minority really didn’t support the regime change and there really does seem to be a Nazi problem and the Euromaidan coup really was antirussian (not Russophobic, necessarily, but certainly opposed to Russia) and it really was endorsed by the West. Those are real things that can be negotiated over, Russia isn’t just bloodthirsty orcs.

                  Also, even if I am chopping bodies myself it’s still reasonable for me to not want a bigger and meaner body chopper to be friends with the neighbors or to put missile silos in their yard. That’s not pearl clutching, that’s just rational national interest.

      • Perhaps so, but the fact is that Putin has stated preconditions for negotiations that Ukraine finds unacceptable. It’s not up to me, or anybody in the U.S. government to decide, unless the Ukranian government is a group of puppets without agency. It seems that they are also suspicious of whether he would abide by the terms of a deal, considering the track record of reneging on the past security guarantee, the rhetoric of conquest among his circle, as well as attempting no diplomatic paths to resolve those issues.

          • I’ve heard that accusation plenty, and believed it until I looked into it. Ukrainians in large numbers were willing to fight and die for a movement which wasn’t a coup until the president fled to Russia. They’re not puppets with no agency who can be ordered around from Washington or Brussels. As such, the popular support the government received, and still does, tends to support the idea that it’s not just a Western puppet.

            And, even if it was all true, does it not speak strongly against Putin’s willingness to negotiate? He could have tried diplomacy before, but if he chose invasion because he saw Ukraine/NATO as unreliable parties, why would that change now?

              • Again though, it’s disingenuous to say he tried diplomacy when his demands all infringed on a sovereign nation’s ability to self govern and determine. And don’t give me the NATO bullshit line. Russia was already bordered by other NATO nations. And frankly even if it was not, he doesnt get to decide who they can form deals and relationships with. Theyre no longer a USSR vassal state, no matter how much he’d like them to be. This was a land grab for resources, strategic access, and one old fucks personal delusions of grandeur.

                • Their “self governance” was disrupted by a coup with support from the West. The actually elected democratic government was dissolved, and the Russian ethnic minority was against this.

                  As for self determination, why don’t ethnically Russian people in Crimea or the Donbass region get to have self determination? The majority sure seem to hate the new government and support Russia.

                  So! Russia wants territory and Ukraine wants territory. A reasonable compromise would be UN monitored referendums on the question for the people living in those places, with both sides agreeing to respect democratic decision making.

                  Compromise is possible. Give peace a chance.

                  • Not going to keep repeating myself. See my response above. TL;DR: you’re presenting a false equivalence and the self-determination argument on the Russian side is tainted by their 2014 invasion and the meddling they’ve done since then to build this so called “native” ethnic Russian coalition.

                    As for giving peace a chance, I agree with you there. Russia should pull all of their troops from all Ukranian regions and stop attacking its neighbor. It’s the aggressor. Ukranians have zero reason to negotiate peace with a hostile foreign invader.

        • No, Russia’s grievances are “we don’t want NATO in Ukraine” and “we don’t want armed Nazis on our border” and “we don’t believe you’re treating ethnically Russia people right” and “we believe the government that was allied with us was overthrown by Western intervention”

          There’s stuff to negotiate over. If you don’t want to negotiate over those things then just admit it, stop just pretending like Russians are crazy warhungry orcs.

          • Oh fucking please, I know you’re not this stupid. Russia’s grievances are that putin wants to bring all of the old USSR territory back into the fold, either by literally absorbing the territory or by installing puppet states that act as a defacto Russian territory. If Russia’s main intent was to avoid NATO expansion, they wouldn’t be doing the things that have quite literally prompted countries who previously did not want to join NATO (Sweden, etc) into now pressing to join NATO as a response to Russia’s totalitarian aggression. If Russia cared about the nazis in the Wagner group enough to invade, they wouldn’t also be perpetuating mass genocide of Ukrainians during their war of aggression. If Russia thought that ethnically Russian people weren’t being treated right in another country, they wouldn’t be invading said country to move their own citizens into the region and then pretend that means the original region was ethnically Russian.

            Russia’s bullshit has been so painfully blatant throughout this entire process that I refuse to believe you’re actually this dumb. The only things to negotiate is how quickly Russia and the russian citizens it planted in Ukraine after invading need to evacuate from all of Ukraine (including Crimea), and how the Russian officials, including putler, will surrender to the UN for their crimes against humanity.

                • You seem to think Russians are conquest hungry orcs that lack rational thought and hunger only for blood - it’s a very common racist trope used to smear Asian people. The reality is complicated and you’re simplifying it to justify endless war.

                  And you must be happy, because you refuse to do anything to actually end the war. Ukraine is only being given aid to keep Russia busy, there is no expectation they can ever win. The goal is to entangle Russia in a quagmire and fight to the last Ukrainian. You love it.

                  • The only person reducing a people down to their leaders is you; I’m condemning putler and the individuals in power of Russia for creating this war. It’s a very common tactic to try and equate calling out the individuals in charge of a country with all the people of the country, as a way to hide behind the fact that you have no legitimate argument to make. Especially when the country in question is in practice a dictatorship. You’re gonna have to try a little harder than this to not get caught with your pants down, buddy.

                    “Let us take over your country and murder your people or we’ll try to take over your country and murder your people. And if you resist or support people fighting us from murdering and taking over, then you’re the real evil person here.” Good take bro, stable genius stuff right here