This isn’t any article in particular, but rather a fantastic resource for anyone who wants to research leftist theory, or improve their praxis.
Disregard the name as it is a wealth of knowledge for socialists, anarchists and communists alike. I’m sure many here have learnt about this free and open library in the past, but just in case it’s the first some have heard of it, I thought I’d share. probably has one of these laying around; it’s possible i can scrounge one up too if needed
Theory suggestions:
19th century classics:
Love David Graeber’s work. Bullshit Jobs is iconic.
He was taken from us too soon.
Suggest adding:
Looks good so far! I’ve never heard about Propaganda in the Information Age, The Reactionary Mind and Bowling Alone. I’ll probably add them to my list though.
Maybe it would also be a good idea to add some shorter texts as a simple and introductory primer? Something that’s only a few pages long. I know a few if you would like some suggestions.
I’m down for suggestions.
Just to name a few for now:
Also, I’d like some feedback on this list. I could theoretically add a few more, but that’s probably not necessary and would just overwhelm any newcomers.
Oh yeah, Graeber did write a very accessible case for anarchism. I always forget about that.
reminds me i need to read Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology, actually