This year we made good progress. You know, Linux gaming becoming better, Reddit fucking up, Metaverse failing etc. But on the other hand Big Tech has or are planning to make some moves. Such as, Google’s Web Enviroment Integrity API (EDIT: they backed off), UK’s encryption bill, etc.

So what do you think of the future? I’m currently optimistic. I think the best recent event was Reddit fucking up. Obviously one of the biggest information sources going down that path isn’t something to celebrate. But it was bound to happen. I believe decentralized social networks becoming more popular is what Aaron Swartz would have wanted if he saw how Reddit was being managed.

  • Yup, agreed on all counts.

    I just feel that if it’s your first distro, it’s probably better to stick to vanilla Ubuntu until you better understand the subtle differences between the various Debians.

    Still and all though, it’s easier to install a Linux than it’s ever been. My first Linux was actually an OpenSUSE, soon replaced by Debian Etch. I bought the latter online and they mailed me the installation CDs! It took me days to get the installs working.

    Now, you just pop in a USB and follow the friendly install wizard. It’s friggin awesome.