So many things in your house that are probably pissing you off:
it’s very easy to replace an outlet that doesn’t hold a plug or is a little off for whatever reason.
ditto light switches
door handles and shit. We hated the jank handle on our patio door that barely worked and required specialized training to get to lock. $12 for a new one, that was much more aesthetically from this decade. (that said, some lock lube, which is a thing, goes a long way)
ditto for the various shitty faucets in this house (or any slightly older house.) You can get a ton of bathroom fixtures for under $30.
hinges. Unless you’re trying to re-hang a safe door, you’re going to be under $20.
faucet diffuser. They just screw on. Have you lived in your place for more than a few years and haven’t replace them? Just do it, it’s like $4 a faucet.
doorbell. Smart doorbells can easily be had for under $50. A little easier often than replacing the traditional bell because you usually have a plug in chime rather than something wired.
a can of sprayfoam. Seal that area that is letting in air. Trim it with a box knife, chances are you won’t know the hack exists.
So many things in your house that are probably pissing you off:
You can also soak your faucet diffusers in citric acid to remove built-up limescale.