this week is starting off with what i can only assume is a sinus infection, so that’s not ideal. i’m also down two grandparents, which likewise is not ideal

  •  frog 🐸   ( ) 
    310 months ago

    It’s kind of nice when a teacher says “in my opinion you’ve done too much work for this project, don’t do anything else other than directing, and make the others finish it.” So my job for the next three weeks is literally just directing. If it involves anything to do with my own actual hands, I’m not allowed to do it. If the project doesn’t get finished because the rest of the team don’t put in their fair share of the work… well, we’ll all lose a few marks for that. But some of us have more leeway than others for losing a couple without failing the whole module…

    •  cwagner   ( ) 
      310 months ago

      Had something like this back in university. “We all did equal work on this project”. Professor: “So the better grade for CWagner and one less for the others because I don’t believe any of you” ;)

      •  frog 🐸   ( ) 
        410 months ago

        Oh yeah, our teacher totally knows who’s done the work and who hasn’t. We basically have a set up where there’s multiple sources of evidence for who has done what, and unsurprisingly, hard workers are more thorough about documenting what they’ve done. So even just at a glance at the digital whiteboard, it’s obvious who has contributed the most. And the teacher hasn’t even seen my detailed log yet. 😈