this week is starting off with what i can only assume is a sinus infection, so that’s not ideal. i’m also down two grandparents, which likewise is not ideal

  •  cwagner   ( ) 
    37 months ago

    Had something like this back in university. “We all did equal work on this project”. Professor: “So the better grade for CWagner and one less for the others because I don’t believe any of you” ;)

    •  frog 🐸   ( ) 
      47 months ago

      Oh yeah, our teacher totally knows who’s done the work and who hasn’t. We basically have a set up where there’s multiple sources of evidence for who has done what, and unsurprisingly, hard workers are more thorough about documenting what they’ve done. So even just at a glance at the digital whiteboard, it’s obvious who has contributed the most. And the teacher hasn’t even seen my detailed log yet. 😈