I’m planning on building a PC soon and, while I have done plenty of research, I’d like to hear advice from people who have experience in the area personally. It’s also just nice talking to other people in general, lol
I’m planning on building a PC soon and, while I have done plenty of research, I’d like to hear advice from people who have experience in the area personally. It’s also just nice talking to other people in general, lol
I highly recommend PC Partpicker for compiling all your components (although I don’t typically follow the listed purchase links). The comparability checker it has can save some real headaches!
Otherwise, some general advice:
Remember the motherboard standoff screws. Most cases these days have them pre-installed, but my first rig did not. And I bent the mobo a little bit before realizing my mistake. It still worked in the end, but it’s now my #1 cautionary tale about PC Building.
Do yourself a favor, and make an attempt at proper cable management. It’ll make replacing components so much easier down the line.
Get a fully modular PSU (if in your budget). This will help with #2 above immensely.
Read the manual that comes with your motherboard. It usually has a lot of guidance for assembling the computer, especially if this is your first time.
Have fun! PC Building/Gaming is one of my favorite hobbies, and I’m always glad to see new people getting interested in it!
Good luck, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!
This is all spot on advice. The motherboard and case manual should be open and nearby as you build the pc.
Thank you! The comments on cable management r definitely taken into consideration, the idea of having to untangle and move all those cables without them being at least semi-organized makes me shiver. And as for 5; PC gaming has been good, but my current PC is loosing its luster, so what better to do than indulge in something I’ve dreamed about doing: building my own! Thanks for the rest of the advice as well :)
Oh gosh yes, I’d at least go for a semi-modular PSU, but you’ll definitely be glad for the extra flexibility with a fully modular one.