Bit of a simple question: Some people on lemmy are still posting stuff from youtube, xitter and the like.

Have you gone full fediverse yet or how far are you?

  1. traded reddit for lemmy/kbin
  2. xitter for mastodon
  3. discord for matrix
  4. youtube for peertube

Obviously I also mean other alternatives. Which ones do you use and why?

Disclaimer: this question is me asking genuinely but also trying to make it fun by arbitrary ranking/escalating it. Not trying to say one is better than the others.

    1. 65-75%. I go in Reddit only when I seek for information that cannot be found conveniently otherwise.
    2. 0%. I don’t have an account in neither. Sometimes I click a link that takes me to Twitter.
    3. 0%. Visited Matrix’s website but I haven’t though much more about it.
    4. 0% so far. Haven’t thought much about it yet.
    • Perfectly reasonable. You really don’t need to know anything about matrix except its the better version of discord, whatsapp, telegram, imessage, fb-messenger, signal, etc. It also can have puppeting for the other services. So you use matrix and can talk to your whatsapp friends if you like. The best clients I’ve used so far are and fluffychat. Check them out if you want.

      Peertube is a great thing and has some decent content. You need to be very particular with your search terms on though since the discoverability lacks still.