Bit of a simple question: Some people on lemmy are still posting stuff from youtube, xitter and the like.

Have you gone full fediverse yet or how far are you?

  1. traded reddit for lemmy/kbin
  2. xitter for mastodon
  3. discord for matrix
  4. youtube for peertube

Obviously I also mean other alternatives. Which ones do you use and why?

Disclaimer: this question is me asking genuinely but also trying to make it fun by arbitrary ranking/escalating it. Not trying to say one is better than the others.

  • I dumped Twitter in the first wave after Elon took over and found a new home on Mastodon. Deleted my Reddit accounts during the API crisis (I still visit but no longer contribute) and spend some time on Lemmy (haven’t yet found the community to be as engaging). Sadly there isn’t a viable alternative for YouTube yet.

      • Yeah the scale of infrastructure needed for video hosting at a scale needed for creators to move over is nutso. The creators won’t move without the audience, the audience won’t move without the creators. Only way it could work is if another “megacorp” decided to take on YouTube and incentivised creators to move.

        Pretty much only Apple and Microsoft have the funds to pull that off.

      • Still, there is place for competition, people just need to stop expecting these services to be completely free of charge. When Google ‘fees’ (data collection and ads) will stop being hidden or easily avoidable other companies will be able to provide similar services for a fair price.

    1. Lemmy 95%. I use Reddit for tech troubleshooting help sometimes but that’s basically it, and I removed my account.
    2. Never used Twitter. I have a Mastodon account but rarely use it. It’s just not a content format that I’m very interested in.
    3. Sadly I use Discord still. Matrix is fine, but nearly all my friends use Discord for gaming and related stuff, so I can’t get rid of it without losing basically all my gaming friends and servers.
    4. Still use YT all the time, but only through apps like NewPipe, FreeTube, and GrayJay. I haven’t signed into YT for well over a year now.

    Slowly but surely I’m getting rid of the corpo’s grip on my life.

    • Congrats! I appreciate every soul we can rip from the corpo claws. 3. There are matrix bridges that can puppet your account. Pretty cool. Though I need to figure out how to use them. Found out this week. 4. Check out peertube. Especially It’s not perfect and you need to accept that they dont have an algorithm so you need to sort by newest or be very specific in your search terms. Trying to get them to add sort by likes, watch numbers or comment numbers. Lets see how that goes.

  • Never felt the need for microblogging when Reddit existed, and chats are a mess and I will never understand the appeal unless I spent 24 hours there. So now it’s Lemmy all the way… except for YouTube, of course, because that one is simply too hard to avoid, although I do mostly use Piped mirrors.

  •  illi   ( ) 
    97 months ago

    Never really used Twitter (beyond some retweets to enter giveaways), so no use for Mastodon.

    I do have Matrix, but not much happening there for me. Discord is where the people are.

    Use Piped (well, LibreTube) instead of going to Youtube directly - it still has the content.

    • Makes sense. I‘m also using youtube at times since my favorite creators are there but I‘m slowly easing off, always searching on peertube first. :)

      You can bridge discord to matrix. That would unify your communications without cutting you off.

  • I don’t use anything else, except NewPipe for YouTube. Sometimes I use a Revanced YouTube app without an account, I periodically delete its data and start over again, but no Facebook, xitter, etc. Only true exception is WhatsApp.

    • Very relatable. Whatsapp is very baked into our lives here as well. There is a solution though. Matrix has bridges for most of the IMs out there. You only use matrix and can chat with most others like discord, whatsapp, signal, telegram etc.

      • Is it hard to setup? Because it sounds too good to be easy. It doesn’t matter a lot to me, on the contrary, I’m interested in a a setup that centralizes all of my IM apps, and I’m willing to invest efforts to make it happen.

        • Great attitude! :)

          It’s not hard if you selfhosted something before. I just decided to make a video about this since so many people ask how to do it.

          You will need a computer that runs 24/7 though. You could technically run it at home but port forwarding is a security risk so you should be pretty advanced to do that.

          I‘d rather you rent a small vps at for 5-10 bucks a month. Please be aware that you need backups. Otherwise you will be sad.

          Will try to edit my post when the vid is done.

    1. I jumped ship after the 3rd party app fiasco.

    2. I never used it, so I had no reason to make a switch. I also did make a mastodon account once, but I don’t know what happened to it and I can’t find it.

    3. I only ever use it for updates for a few games. Also, I can’t ditch it because the club I’m in at my community college, the club discord server is how we communicate and there’s probably no way I could convince the club to switch since the next year, various members might have gotten their degree or left the club for various reasons.

    4. If my favorite channels switched over to something like Peertube or even some place like Odysee, then I’d definitely switch. Most of the people I watch would never leave and I just don’t feel like putting in the effort to find new people to watch since I’ve been watching some of my favorites for over a decade.

    • The youtube thing is unfortunately the hard truth imo as well.

      But I have good news on discord: matrix has bridges for all messaging apps that you can use to puppeteer your accounts. You only use matrix and talk to all your friends no matter the platform. I‘m only getting into it but its awesome. Some instances like already have bridges for you to use.

      Good luck with your journey. :) feel free to hit me up on matrix if you visit.

  • I’ve gone full Lemmy and Mastodon. I’m not going to pretend like Peertube is ever going to be a serious contender. None of my friends are on matrix sadly, so will probably be stuck on sms/discord for a long time.

    • Two things: peertube is not doing illegal stuff which is how youtube got successful so obviously, people are gonna want to do the right thing if anyone is to have a chance against corpo media. Second, there are matrix bridges for (nearly?) all other platforms (discord, whatsapp, telegram, signal, fbmessenger, etc).

    1. 65-75%. I go in Reddit only when I seek for information that cannot be found conveniently otherwise.
    2. 0%. I don’t have an account in neither. Sometimes I click a link that takes me to Twitter.
    3. 0%. Visited Matrix’s website but I haven’t though much more about it.
    4. 0% so far. Haven’t thought much about it yet.
    • Perfectly reasonable. You really don’t need to know anything about matrix except its the better version of discord, whatsapp, telegram, imessage, fb-messenger, signal, etc. It also can have puppeting for the other services. So you use matrix and can talk to your whatsapp friends if you like. The best clients I’ve used so far are and fluffychat. Check them out if you want.

      Peertube is a great thing and has some decent content. You need to be very particular with your search terms on though since the discoverability lacks still.

  •  ntzm [he/him]   ( ) 
    67 months ago

    Yes for Lemmy and Mastodon. YouTube has too much good content to skip, I feel like sites that can only rely on advertising to be profitable such as video hosting and search are going to be the hardest things to make fair.

      • A small donation like YouTube premium? I honestly can’t blame YouTube too much for their monetization strategies. Hosting video is terribly expensive, so some form of compensation will always be required, whether it’s via ads or subscription.

        • While I agree that some compensation is a good idea, youtubes strategies are nothing but monopolist trash.

          Take a large youtuber with 2000 videos. Each one being 20 minutes. That is 1 GB max per video. So 2 tb. With a decent connection we‘re talking 50 bucks for the server per month.

          I don’t think you understand how much crap these companies are feeding you.

  • A bit meta, but Is there a unified article anyone can point me to that discusses all the different fediverse video options (IIRC peertube is not the only one) with a overview of how their usage differs from youtube?

    I’ve found peertube to be interesting ever since it was new, but have had very little luck finding anything I wanted on it when I’ve tried using it.

  • With the exception of YouTube, I have left all platforms completely. I would leave YouTube too, if there are good tutorial-style web-dev content creators on PeerTube. Also, PeerTube needs a good app. Also, PeerTube instance search sucks, in my opinion. Haven’t tried Sepia Search, maybe that is good.

      • I mean, I could, but right now I have decided to not contribute for some time. I hate one-sided contribution and I only want support open-source communities that give back to their devs. This isn’t about money. I worked for GitLab as a contributor starting from last September. This was around the same time I graduated, but I did not get any campus placement, and I was confused about what I should be doing, given that there was a bad recession affecting my country. But I did not get anything of value back in return for all the code I wrote - and by return, I mean something like a job referral, mentorship or good connection.

        I felt like I got a bunch of corporate gratitude nonsense, who were able to spend less on hiring devs, because they were able to find similar idiots like me, and that did has not helped me from my current situation of joblessness and poor mental health. This is why I stopped working on their code around July. Closed my half-complete MRs and all the assigned issues I had, moved away from the platform gradually at the start of November, because that experience left a bad taste in my mouth.

        • I‘m not sure if I understand you correctly.

          I know there is, the commercial site and then there is the open source gitlab you can self host, right?

          Working on the code and being a contributor to big open source projects is quite the thing for your cv. I don’t see how a „normal“ open source project could do anything for you except look great on your cv. Because thats the point. Open source is not someone who has to be thankful to you. It is like working on the church in your small town. People work together on it or donate to make it possible.

          The „i only give if i get back“ is kind of the reason we‘re in megacorp dystopian hellscape rn.

          • Working on the code and being a contributor to big open source projects is quite the thing for your cv. I don’t see how a „normal“ open source project could do anything for you except look great on your cv. Because thats the point.

            Except that it wasn’t. Not a single employer looked at this. I’ve been applying for jobs since the last four year, starting from my second year in college. I’ve been rejected from international job offers because my identity comes with all the worst stereotypes, including sweatshop programmer and scammer.

            I was also rejected locally, because I’ve graduated from a shitty tier-3 college. I’ve done my due diligence to highlight whatever open-source projects I’ve worked for “free” selflessly, without demanding for compensation or fame - I just wanted mentorship or access to opportunities - which I did not receive, but I did not complain, as I thought to myself that my contributions could have given some value.

            The only job I was able to procure last October was a shitty internship because I had experience with RoR, which isn’t popular anymore in my country. It was a disgusting, dehumanizing experience, where I had no freedom to work on my own project, I was humiliated, treated like an IT sweatshop labor, and there was no concept of work-life balance. Left that job at the end of January.

            Open source is not someone who has to be thankful to you.

            And I am not asking them to be. Suppose you’re a volunteer for a church, or a temple, and your partner is right now in a coma from a serious case of sepsis, and you have lost your Medicare. Are you telling me that the church ghosting, or giving lazy Facebook “prayer” posts, instead of actively doing what they can, in their best interest for their active members acceptable, for all the hours you’ve put in for selfless contribution?

            The „i only give if i get back“ is kind of the reason we‘re in megacorp dystopian hellscape rn.

            Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has three types of needs, starting from the highest priority to the lowest in it’s most generalized format: basic needs (physiological and safety needs), psychological needs (belongingness, love and esteem needs) and self-fulfillment needs. I can’t even fulfill the first one, the rest of them are far-fetched ideals. Mega-corp dystopian hellscape is of no concern to me, just like privacy or freedom, when I’m starving to death, have no place to live, and have the total balance to afford only food for a month (by the way, I’ve not touched my bank account since March), and the only one supporting a family of four people is my illiterate, unskilled tenth-fail old man, who has been working since he was fifteen, and all four members of the family have poor physical and mental health, but can’t do anything about that.

            Here's the combined GitHub and GitLab contribution by the way

            Here’s my combined GitHub + GitLab contribution by the way. The brighter squares means 20+ contributions per day (33 is the highest I’ve done). My personal projects are on Codeberg, which I’ve chosen to not include. Most of my contribution around October-November is empty, because I had a breakdown. I was dedicated starting from my second year, until I lost all my interest around July this year, but I kept going. My contributions involve not just GitLab, but also Ruby gems, database adapters, machine learning libraries, Nix package maintenance, and Svelte ecosystem. Now, I’ve just had enough.

            • I can absolutely understand your frustration, I do. But it has to do with a completely different thing.

              Being discriminated against for your degree from a school not deemed „worthy“ and employers not caring about your resumes is cruel and unfair but nothing open source can help you with.

              Imo, you‘re pursuing this wrong. Its not „pour all your efforts into open source and you‘ll be successful“ but „occasionally help out if you can to bolster your cv“.

              What you are describing is a singular focus that can only lead to burnout and breakdown. It’s not your fault you dont fit their criteria but you need to understand that it’s not anyones fault in particular either.

              What you can do though is talk to an HR professional to go over your cv with you and help rewrite it so its more straightforward.

              I hope this helps.

  • Dropped reddit, stick to lemmy.

    Still on Twitter, primarily doomscrolling Ukraine news

    No reason to leave discord for me. I use it for a few groups of friends and also hobby forum chat.

    Stopped using YouTube directly, switched to using freetube. Haven’t checked out peertube but hear the content is lacking

    • Thanks for the detailed answer! :) I have discovered a matrix bridge that can puppet my account which is pretty cool. Need to find out how to use it properly though. I moved to matrix and its great so far.

      Peertube is a bit of an odd one. It has good content but i hate the discoverability. I just opened an issue with the creators. Let’s see if that helps. So find peertube content, use