• Cars > public transportation. I forget things & often have to turn back, and I like the freedom to change my mind at any point, stop where I want, and go wherever I want. I also hate being forced into shared public spaces. I also hate the idea of trusting the government to make any of it in any way near efficient. Fuck public transportation.

    • I kind of disagree but kind of don’t. I think most of modern urbanists don’t want cars banned, they just don’t want it to be the only practical way to get around.

      Also, I’m a big gearhead. I like driving and working on cars. But I don’t like commuting in traffic, paying to keep a car out of necessity, finding parking, breakdowns. I feel so liberated and free when driving on a mountain road with the top down. I feel similarly free when I get drunk and walk home, get groceries on my bike, or read a book on the bus. I don’t think public transit is right for everyone. But I think having it as a good option alongside driving, walking, and cycling is just good city planning.

    • I’m totally the opposite. I feel you gotta love in a town/city where it’s great. I just moved to a city where I have to drive most places now… I find myself getting lazier … I drive to the gym. That feels bad.

      Nonetheless, I respect your unpopular opinion!