And tell me how proud of it you are.

  • I have a Panasonic “Genius” microwave from 1983, still going strong.

    A multimeter from the 70’s, although I don’t use it often anymore (I have two newer ones)

    A Back and Decker b-100 corded drill from the 1960’s with a skill saw of the same era. (Both backups in case my newer ones die.)

    Also not really tech, but A scythe from the 1930’s, an old clothes iron from the early 1900’s (The kind you heated on the stove) a machete from 1920, and a couple old hand pump sprayers from the 20’s or 30’s (The type you screw a glass bottle onto) that all are functional but mainly just collect dust.

    I probably have some other old crap I’m not thinking of at the moment, I just like collecting weird old things.