And tell me how proud of it you are.

  • A pocketwatch manufactured in 1889. I keep it running as a memento mori: the watch may outlive the watchmaker. Build things well – they may be all people remember you by, one day.

    I also have a slide rule at my desk at most times, to remind me of false-precision.

    I guess the oldest though, is a Wu Zhu coin from the Three Kingdoms period (currency is a technology, too?). I keep it to remember that all empires arise from chaos, and must return to it; that all assets eventually have no value. That the things that endure, are stranger currencies still.

  • My paternal grandmother’s KitchenAid model K mixer she bought just after my grandfather returned from WW2. She gave it to my mother in the late 70’s because she wanted a new one and the damn thing showed no signs of dying. My mother gave it to my wife about 15 years ago for the same reason.

    We’ve bought some new accessories but that fucking zombie mixer will outlast the roaches.

  • A 1940s era Sterling Siren Model “F” factory siren. This siren spent decades outside of a Long Island, NY firehouse, acting as a street clearing siren to allow fire engines to exit the station unimpeded during an emergency. It was decommissioned a few years ago and popped up on eBay, and I was able to get ahold of it for cheap as the seller didn’t know its worth. Model F sirens are very hard to find, as they haven’t been made since the 1960s, and the need for street clearing and fire sirens have lessened with the advent of pagers. I believe there are less than a dozen left in service across North America.

    Mine is in very good running shape, despite its age. I lubricated the bearings recently (brass sleeve bearings) and let the motor break in. It isn’t quite as loud as my Federal Sign & Signal Model “L” (built in the 1960s) but still packs a punch. I usually set them off with the city sirens every Monday. It does need cosmetic restoration, as the paint is badly weathered and the projector has some dents in it, but it won’t be hard to fix up.

    My Model L is on the left, and my Model F is on the right.

  • I still listen to my music using a 160 GB iPod Classic. Apple struck gold with that clickwheel. Carrying around a dedicated device for music just for that elegant one-thumb control I don’t even have to look at to use is still totally worth it to me.

  • Not at all impressive, but to maximize interactions on a newborn thread:

    It’s probably my PS3, which I would have gotten Christmas 2008 (or maybe it was 2009?). I recently started sailining the seas, and the most convenient way to watch those videos is to burn them to a disk, and so the PS3 is really just a glorified DVD player (can’t even be bothered to use it’s blue ray functionality)

    • Similarly, my PS2 which I got for Christmas in 2003 is still running strong, I replayed Simpsons Hit & Run recently and it the console plays as well as it did when I first booted up.

      It also has the honour of being the last device I own capable of playing DVDs since my PC’s optical disc drive died.

      • Our wii is still hanging in there, though there DVD drive doesn’t like to fully latch and I have to keep the side cover loose too hello it Fully load.

        But I also have a working PS2, PS1 with GameShark that can load pirated games. And a battery working finicky NES.

  •  kent_eh   ( ) 
    209 months ago

    I have my grandparents gramophone.

    We pull it out each year to listen to their old Christmas records.

    It’s become a tradition that my university age kids still look forward to.

  •  Eugenia   ( ) 
    9 months ago

    1959 mechanical cameras. An electronic camera from 1969. Polaroid SX-70 from 1976. A calculator from 1988: FX85P from Casio. And then the Atari Lynx from 1991.

  •  rmuk   ( ) 
    199 months ago

    I have a General Post Office model 711 telephone. I installed a microcontroller into it and it’s now the keypad for my home alarm system. It’s also hooked into Home Assistant so I could have it for other things if I wanted.

  •  Thalestr   ( ) 
    9 months ago

    I have several of the original Philips LED replacement bulbs, which were some of the very first LED bulbs available. Paid about $35CAD each for them in late 2009 and they’re built out of solid metal and weigh a ton. They’re still going strong and put out a lovely light.

  • I still use a nearly 20 year old DSLR as my primary photography camera. It’s all personal stuff so the lower resolution and overall lower quality compared to modern cameras doesn’t bother me much. The battery isn’t doing so well after 20 years though, so I’m getting a couple new ones and a larger memory card for it. Hoping to buy a new camera soon and get at least 20 years out of that too, but I still plan to use my current one alongside any other camera as I really like the look of the images it produces.

  • I have a Panasonic “Genius” microwave from 1983, still going strong.

    A multimeter from the 70’s, although I don’t use it often anymore (I have two newer ones)

    A Back and Decker b-100 corded drill from the 1960’s with a skill saw of the same era. (Both backups in case my newer ones die.)

    Also not really tech, but A scythe from the 1930’s, an old clothes iron from the early 1900’s (The kind you heated on the stove) a machete from 1920, and a couple old hand pump sprayers from the 20’s or 30’s (The type you screw a glass bottle onto) that all are functional but mainly just collect dust.

    I probably have some other old crap I’m not thinking of at the moment, I just like collecting weird old things.