it’s week 2 of 2024 and Holy Fuck Is It Windy Out There right now, oh god

    • i always pick dogs i think will enjoy it, since it’s my main reason for having dogs, hehe. my last dog (passed away last year) was the only one i’ve owned who didn’t really enjoy agility on any level. she was my professional couch potato. she was also much more chill than my other two agility nerds.

      • Couch potatoes are important too! And from the looks of it she was a pro.

        Mine should enjoy agility in theory - she’s super smart, easily bored, very nimble and needs a lot of exercise. I don’t know if she’s being considerate by trying not to expose her clumsy human to such situations or if she just thinks such simple challenges would be degrading to such a majestic animal as herself.
        At least our slightly overweight french bulldog (of all things) is ultra-motivated as long as there’s a treat waiting behind every other obstacle.