There are no “news”, but I’m worried about this business actually. I’m in knowledge that post already exists but I’m not clear at all.

Resuming: Google is trying to add telemetry to Go’s toolchain (such as .NET and Dart/Flutter). It also added the GOPROXY environment variable that uses the Google’s Go proxy to… Just collect more user data?

I’m a pretty beginner Go dev, but I’d like a toolchain without these telemetry or at least some instruction of how to opt out this thing.

Sorry for repost, but I don’t find enough information in any other place. :(

  • As long as it’s opt-in (which it is), I’m not sure I understand the concern. You’d have to enable it.

    Go has been routing module requests through GOPROXY since modules were introduced; it’s where all of the mod version is cached, so any time anyone builds a Go package from source, calls are made to the mother ship. Unless the builder is running their own proxy, which is mostly corps, who care less about this sort of telemetry. There are good, valid reasons for the main Go proxy, but it’s certainly also a valid concern that the Go core dev team is utterly deaf to.

    In any case, the only thing that’s new is the telemetry which, as I mentioned, is opt-in. I don’t see any reason for new concern.