But i dont mind though, yall are friendly enough that i want to upvote you multiple times :)

  •  Helix 🧬   ( @Helix@feddit.de ) 
    1 year ago

    this is how htop looks right now on the beehaw Lemmy server:

    1  [||||||||||||||         44.3%] 5  [|||||||||||||||        50.3%] 9  [||||||||||||           38.6%] 13 [||||||||||||||||||     61.9%]
    2  [|||||||||||            38.4%] 6  [|||||||||||||          44.4%] 10 [|||||||||||            38.2%] 14 [|||||||||||||||||||||||92.2%]
    3  [||||||||||||           37.7%] 7  [|||||||||||            37.2%] 11 [|||||||||||||          39.7%] 15 [||||||||||||||         48.4%]
    4  [|||||||||||||||        48.0%] 8  [||||||||||||||         47.0%] 12 [|||||||||||||          42.9%] 16 [|||||||||||            37.8%]
    Mem[||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||                     6.93G/31.4G]
    Tasks: 138; 11 running
    Swp[                                                         0K/0K]
    Load average: 7.52 7.84 6.97 

    We’re working on better scaling. Will keep y’all posted in !support@beehaw.org, please post issues with the site there for better visibility instead of the Chat community.