Mozilla is unhappy because the use of browser engines other than WebKit will be restricted to the EU, forcing them to develop two different apps.

For an independent browser like Firefox, managing two browsers is not easy, so it can be forgiven that this could be seen as almost harassment.

Also, the fact that the use of browser engines other than WebKit is limited to iOS means that the use of WebKit is still forced on iPadOS, which also increases the effort for Mozilla.


  •  LWD   ( ) 
    18 months ago

    Are these customers donating, or purchasing mozilla products or services so that mozilla doesn’t have to rely on google’s donations?

    I’m confused what you’re trying to say here.

    Are you saying that Google has more of a right to dictate what Mozilla does because Google gives Mozilla the most money?

    Are you saying Google told Mozilla to work on things other than Firefox with the money they were given?

    Why bring up Google at all?

    • Because much of mozilla’s funding is from a deal with google, that’s why.

      US$300 million annually. Approximately 90% of Mozilla’s royalties revenue for 2014 was derived from this contract


      A lot of money, but not enough to actually to actually do a lot. They keep cutting features their “customers” like. Why?

      Because development is expensive.

      Google props mozilla up to pretend they don’t have a monopoly on the internet. Just enough money to barely keep up, not enough to truly stay competitive.

      Mozilla wants to not rely on google money, so they are trying to expand their products. AI is overhyped, but still useful, and something worth investing in.

      •  LWD   ( ) 
        28 months ago

        I know that, but why did you bring it up in order to contrast it with Mozilla’s consumer base? Do you mean to say that Google is the actual paying customer?

        It seems like such a bizarre thing to bring up at all.