• I wish more games would release their engines and tooling as FOSS like id Software used to back in the day. It’d make it easier for games to build on top of one another like mods do.

    Maybe Godot and Bevy, etc. will become good enough for full AAA-level games one day. It’s nice that Blender is pretty much already there for modelling and animation.

    But it’s crazy how much great work gets thrown away when games are cancelled or code is lost.

    • You can just go get Unity or UE right now. With UE you can make a $1million before you need to pay a royalty and the tooling is substantially better than any of the tools id released back in the day. (And fwiw I think it’s a crying shame id tech engines are no longer open sourced too!)

      • You can just go get Unity or UE right now.

        Making a brand new game with an existing engine is not “build on top of one another like mods do”, though. Games engines do not include the game logic of the games.