• I believe that, to an extent, this has actually caused some of these problems we’re seeing. When tools become easier to use, more is expected from the devs, particularly in the AAA space.

        A tool is made that, in theory, helps you do 12 months worth of work in 6, so they make the game twice as big. However, in reality you still have to deal with various unforseen problems, especially those caused by overconfidence in those tools. The real-world time is actually 9 months, but they’re still expected to make that huge game in 12.

        Crunch ensues, which burns people out, which means less quality work and damage to health.

        I think it’s generally up to responsible indie devs to use such tools well and control the scope of their projects. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

    •  Kushan   ( @Kushan@beehaw.org ) 
      411 year ago

      I think this has always been the case, though. Engines haven’t just suddenly got better, they’ve been getting better and better for decades now. Some of those improvements give you features “out of the box” that you used to have to implement yourself. One of the reasons Unity became so popular with smaller developers is because it lets you focus on building your game - most of the tech is there, you’ve got an asset store for additional models, plugins, etc. so save you time but ultimately making a (good) game still takes time. Making a game is a very iterative process and a lot of the quality of a game these days is less to do with developing the engine and more to develop the mechanics of the game itself - the way your characters move, the responsiveness of the controls, the UI layout and so on. All of that stuff is hard to be given to you by an Engine, because it’s specific to your game.

      •  Kaldo   ( @Kaldo@beehaw.org ) 
        81 year ago

        Exactly, we’ve been getting better engines, tools and educated game devs for the past decade too and it’s what led to current situation. I don’t think AI is going to help with anything, it will just result in more soulless cash grabs if it’s used the same way ChatGPT has been lately.

        •  zhunk   ( @zhunk@beehaw.org ) 
          41 year ago

          Procedural terrain generation in Deep Rock Galactic is pretty cool. I could see also using it for textures and NPCs to make a game more varied for not much more work.

          • The problem with procgen for variety is that it’s almost always a few procedural changes layered onto a finite, typically small, set of “types”. You can see this in games like No Man’s Sky, where there are technically billions of different animals that you might encounter on a planet, but a lot of them are pretty similar. Even in DRG with their terrain gen, they’re building on room templates that you’ll start to recognize the more you play.

            It’s kind of like those ad campaigns about how many millions of ways you can make a burger. Sure, a 1/4 lb cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, onions, and ketchup on a sesame seed bun is technically different from a 1/4 lb cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, onions, and mustard on a sesame seed bun, but they’re both still burgers. You might hit onto some unique combinations (e.g. meat, cheese, and toast on the bottom, with no top bun -> patty melt) but you’re ultimately still just seeing burgers everywhere, and the system that generated the burger isn’t ever going to generate aloo gobi.

    •  Lols   ( @Lols@lemmy.world ) 
      321 year ago

      this, i despise the focus on polygon and texture counts so goddamn much

      games from a decade ago are still popular and still look good, can we please just focus on performance and actual mechanics

    •  Master   ( @Master@lemmy.world ) 
      311 year ago

      I want more games like valheim. Could care less about the graphic HD quality. Just give me a good game that looks good enough I can forget about my actual life for a while.

      • Valheim took 4 years to make.

        I work in gamedev. Even with simple graphics, making a successful game generally takes a lot of time to make. It’s not just graphics. Design, writing, QA, art, console compliance, and a huge amount of engineering effort especially in multiplayer games. It takes time to get right. And we’ve all seen what happens when “AAA” games are released before they’re ready just because a bean counter said they had to.

        The blockbuster hits with simple graphics that a solo dev made in a few months are the exception, not the rule.

        • Exactly. I’ve been working for several years in the industry and the most time consuming part of the development is not graphics; it’s design (in all shapes) + implementation + iteration until all is polished and the game is good no matter how it looks.

      • Same. I really appreciate the hyperrealistic, amazing graphics of stuff like Cyberpunk 2077 don’t get me wrong, but I would be more than happy to accept a game with even like Half-Life 1 levels of graphics as long as it has amazing gameplay and story and lots of real hand-crafted content. Obviously, you can have both (CP2077 again!) but you have to really pay for that, and I’d be okay with those games being rarer and having more games like I described.

        • I personally don’t appreciate it. As someone who has always worked on a budget-mid tier PC, I find that “high end” graphics just means “don’t download”. They tend to perform terribly regardless of the quality I set and they tend to look really bad with the quality dropped; compared to games that intentionally have low res textures and simpler game engines, which look and perform much better.

          I like games that are more focused on providing me with new mechanics to learn and overcome. I like puzzles. I like strategy (e.g. RimWorld).

          Cyberpunk is also a good example because it was all flash and no substance. It ran terribly and had nothing new to provide to the gaming world. I liked it a bit, but downloaded dozens of gigs just to get bored in an hour or two was not super fun. I often am comparing memory usage to how many hours I’ve put in a game. CS:GO, RimWorld, CitySkylines, etc are all relatively much smaller in total size and yet I’ve poured days into them. I just feel like at a certain point, these AAA titles are just spending money on design because they don’t have the patience to value mechanics. So we end up with 100GB of textures and a re-roll of the same classic mechanics we’ve been playing for a decade.

          • Too many AAA studios are trying too hard to deliver the best looking graphics because of “consumer expectations”. Yet there are games like Zelda or Elden Ring that may not have prettier graphics or cutting edge tech like some AAA games but they sure as hell have fun gameplay that people like. It’s expectations like this is what drives this constant issue of games launching broken. Developers have to keep crunching to meet deadlines with unrealistic scopes.

    • I know, Tears of the Kingdom the most graphically intensive game of all time took 6 years to make. I bet they could have cranked out that bad boy out in like 3 years if they had just used the same graphics as Breath of the Wild

    • I’d rather have a long development cycle but deeper, more substantive games.

      This isn’t anything new - the “Megagames” were famous for having crazily long development times for the era. And some of those went on to be very well received like Ultima VII, Ultima Underworld, Daggerfall, Baldur’s Gate, etc. - I remember Baldur’s Gate advertising the “90 man-years” required to create it and same for Daggerfall for the (procedurally-filled) map “the size of Great Britain”.

      There are plenty of companies with short turn-around times, but they make mediocre games.

          •  Otakeb   ( @Otakeb@lemmy.world ) 
            1 year ago

            I honestly bet ESVI just started actual, large scale development recently. Like within the last year as Starfield is wrapping up. We aren’t seeing that game until like 2026-2027 imo.

            We might have actually gone from the last Space Shuttle flight (July 8, 2011) to the first moon landing since Apollo (2025-2026) before ESVI is released. Crazy.

            • We might have actually done from the last Space Shuttle flight (July 8, 2011) to the first noon landing since Apollo (2025-2026) before ESVI is released.

              Haha that puts it into a crazy perspective, who knows maybe we’ll even have the start of a human colony on mars by the time ESVI is out.

      • You can do open world right, oblivion and to a slightly lesser extent Skyrim. But a huge map with not much in it just makes for tedious travel times, or lots of fast travel loading screens. At that point, you basically have separate levels.

        Dark souls 1 was good too, but for a different reason: there’s nothing like opening a gate and going “WTF, how did I get all the way back here?” The way it folds in on itself makes it huge, but also gives it a very compact feeling when it comes to traveling around. I’d put it top 3 level design on my personal list.

        Far cry 3 was good too. Mostly because wing suit and helicopter thing. Now that I think of it, there’s a theme here. It seems like verticality (and a way to traverse it) really helps a map feel fun. Far cry 3, BOTW, dark souls, all 3 have these huge altitude variations.

  • I wish more games would release their engines and tooling as FOSS like id Software used to back in the day. It’d make it easier for games to build on top of one another like mods do.

    Maybe Godot and Bevy, etc. will become good enough for full AAA-level games one day. It’s nice that Blender is pretty much already there for modelling and animation.

    But it’s crazy how much great work gets thrown away when games are cancelled or code is lost.

    • You can just go get Unity or UE right now. With UE you can make a $1million before you need to pay a royalty and the tooling is substantially better than any of the tools id released back in the day. (And fwiw I think it’s a crying shame id tech engines are no longer open sourced too!)

      • You can just go get Unity or UE right now.

        Making a brand new game with an existing engine is not “build on top of one another like mods do”, though. Games engines do not include the game logic of the games.

  •  dojan   ( @dojan@lemmy.world ) 
    241 year ago

    Longer game development cycles for big-budget games are here to stay

    Good! I’m sick to death of games being announced years before development starts, only for the company to crap out some half assed thing because they ran out of time.

    Take the time that’s needed to make a good game.

  • Tbf we are already reaching diminishing returns with exponentially increasing the complexity of the game graphics (Polygon count) for some years now. For example, NFS Most Wanted 2012 still looks gorgeous to me to this day.

  •  oryx   ( @oryx@lemmy.world ) 
    181 year ago

    This isn’t really news anymore, and it’s not exclusive to Microsoft studios. Many games come to mind, notably GTA/RDR off the top of my head (outside the obvious Bethesda titles, since everyone’s more focused on them right now). GTA is also extremely close to the ten year mark between titles; RDR2 was eight years. These big, open world games have constantly been getting larger and taking more time to make for ages now.

    • GTA5 and TES5 were the two most popular games of the PS3/360 generation.

      Despite that, there were no new Elder Scrolls or Grand Theft Auto games released for the entire 7 years that the PS4/XB1 generation lasted.

      By the time Elder Scrolls 6 is out, baby Dovahkiin will probably be old enough to vote and die for his country.

  • AAA gaming is mostly dead for me outside a few studios that make creative and fun games. I’m so tired of FOTM that are designed to appeal to Twitch streamers. The industry kind of reminds me of superhero movies which will always be able to turn a profit by selling to children. I’d take 60FPS and a low budget fun game over 4K and advanced lighting any day, but I’m not the target audience anymore.

    • I prefer quality over quantity

      Microsoft has GamePass. They want continuous new releases. They didn’t release Redfall because they thought it was ready, they released it because they thought it was good enough to get with a GamePass subscription.

      • Even Microsoft wasn’t happy with Redfall - I don’t think it was like they decided to release it in that state because of Game Pass, it seems the whole project was a greed-driven disaster that started prior to the Microsoft acquisition.

        • Yeah, it sounded more like an Anthem situation, where for most of the project everybody was just fucking around wasting the company’s money, until the owner put the foot down and forced them to actually work on it and finish the game, quality be damned

        • Even Microsoft wasn’t happy with Redfall - I don’t think it was like they decided to release it in that state because of Game Pass

          If Redfall was a one-off, I’d agree but a decline of quality is going on for years:

          • Crackdown 3: mediocre at best
          • Battletoads 2020: again, mediocre at best
          • Gears 5: merely “mostly positive” on Steam but hardly a gangbuster
          • Halo Infinite Campaign: “Mixed” on Steam
          • Deathloop: “mostly positive”

          Those “mostly positive” games are exactly the 7/10 level of quality that can be farted out on a somewhat regular bases while being good enough to justify a GamePass subscription. Redfall with its “mostly negative” (33% are positive) on Steam isn’t that far off Halo Infinite’s “mixed” single player campaign (48% positive). Sure, Microsoft would have wanted Redfall to be better but I still read the releases, especially the hyped ones, more as a getting them out the door because GamePass situation.

          Microsoft’s best releases (Pentiment and Hi-Fi Rush) are smaller-scale efforts.

  •  Krik   ( @fraenki@feddit.de ) 
    91 year ago

    The next big thing are full RT graphics without rasterization. The industry will then need the next 10 years or so to fully adapt on that.

    After that there won’t be any more great improvements. RT already means full realism. You can’t make it more realistic.

    • There can be improvements that we cant even imagine yet, but I think RT is the next Big thing and it might take some years before theres something as big. But who knows

    • There are many areas that can be improved upon to make games more realistic, just probably not graphical. NPCs using smarter AI, better physics, a more dynamic environment (better destruction, better NPC interaction with objects), and who knows what else that I can’t think of now. There’s still a lot of progress to be made, I just don’t know if we’ll have enough horsepower to run all of that, we’re already reaching physical limitations on chips.