• Analog cameras also do not catch an image exactly as-is. Most likely, the idea of a “true” image of exactly how a thing exists in the real world is just a fantasy. This is qualia. An image is definitionally subjective. Just look at the history of film technology and the racial biases it helped perserve.

        But there’s undeniably a huge difference between how you interpret and commit the photons going through the lens versus entirely inventing photons going through the lens.

        • Very neat article, glad you shared it!

          Interesting to think about now, they mention how modern digital cameras are not great at taking photos of interracial couples. I’m sure / hope someone is working on that, or at least maybe that’s a use case for some of the fancy photo post-processing - to take two photos with different exposure levels and somehow combine them to get accurate features from multiple people of various complexions in one photo.