• i have no idea if it still works,
    but manny third party launchers like polyMc still have a option to sign in with old mojang accounts

    EDIT: it doesnt work, poly is just outdated.
    also, use prism instead

    • It seems like the old login servers don’t even exist anymore (so I don’t see how it’d actually verify unless it just checks a username’s purchase status), but yeah that launcher does work for offline. (I still have my lastlogin file assuming it can’t overwrite itself easily, but I don’t think anything uses that other than the old launcher which can’t seem to actually download the files because 404).

      It’s also interesting for the built-in modding, though it doesn’t seem to be perfect. Also added an edit to my original comment mentioning parallel timeline mods. Though I’ll just check out some classic(/revived) mods if I can get them to work.


    • Just a note to say that PolyMC has previously proven itself a troubled project, with the project owner Lenny at one point completely removing all other contributor’s access as he “purged the leftoids” (or something to that effect), and PrismLauncher is a fork made by those contributors

      • Oh wow, apparently im a whole drama behind here 😂
        I just recently discovered PolyMc because i learned about MultiMc drama,
        while searching for a flatpack build.

        Ill guess ill look up what happened, and then probably switch

        EDIT: i just looked it up WTF is wrong with that guy,
        i switched asap