• Yep. Ask them if Palestine committed a genocide and they’ll parrot back the Isrsel-funded disinformation spread all over reddit “no. Israel has a right to defend itself”

        If people actually turn to LLMs for information, we’re heading to a dark place.

        • The far right multimedia group Gab released an LLM for people to get answers which “the government and liberal elite keep secret”, so already happening

          Hilariously easy to jailbreak though, so I imagine it’s also piss easy to poison

          • Thats like saying “all lives matter” to the BLM folks.

            Of course Israel has the right to defend itself, but the point is that 99% of their activity is offensive and they are the oppressor. that argument is double-speak.

            Israel is committing a genocide and you think that’s a reasonable response?

            • Your reply made little sense to me, I only just now understood where it comes from.

              You probably think I am arguing in bad faith, just like the racists saying “all lives matter” as a dog whistle. I assure you, this is not the case. The crimes of Israel are terrible war crimes and those responsible need to be tried in an international court of human rights. The same goes for those responsible for the concert massacre.

              I am saddened that people feel compelled to pick a side in this stupid an unnecessary war and then ignore, or at the very least excuse, the crimes of the side they picked.

              The assholes of both the Israeli and the Hamas leaderships are complete and utter cunts. Normal people suffer because of their power politics. I hope you can see that.