I just switched from ubo to adnaseam, and I’m wondering who’s wallet is getting hurt by those ads “I” click? the ad company? does the site then make money? if the sites make money, can I choose where I click? I’d like to not give sites I don’t agree with anything, but certain news sited I would

thanks :)

      • Far from true depending on where OP lives. High profile sites (e.g. mainstream social media or streaming) can make $ 5-15 USD per user per month if that user is in favourable demographic (mainly living in a rich country, US or EU). A blog without registration will make way less than that, obviously people are viewing way less ads there than sites they stay on for hours, but it’s still much more than $1 per lifetime.

        Google pays as much as 2c per page view for North American viewers in some categories (but realistically more like 0.5c). So $1 is good for a few hundred page views.

        • Op wants to give some sites something, and others not. As far as I understood it, this is not about facebook*. This is about random websites

          Even if I would use facebook, facebook wouldn’t ever get money from ads from me because I don’t click on random stuff that pops up on a page. If I’d want to give back something to facebook, I’d need to send them money.