• Reddit’s pretty good for niche support communities that still manage to have an active userbase. I wish I could cut the cord entirely but Lemmy just isn’t there yet.

        •  Kichae   ( @Kichae@lemmy.ca ) 
          137 months ago

          The fact that the largest is still so significantly bigger than the rest that this can be a concern shows that Lemmy still hasn’t come anywhere close to being where it needs or is supposed to be.

          The network should not rest one the shoulders of one or two websites.

      • There aren’t even a lot of specific game related communities that are active here. Even big games like Elden Ring, which recently announced the release date and gave us a huge trailer for the upcoming DLC, have little to no activity here on Lemmy. And that makes me sad. Because I’m not going back to Reddit just to get hype and deep dive into the imagery show in the trailer even though I hella want to 😬

            • In all seriousness the reason Warframe moved to the Fediverse is that it’s a leftist game. The core gameplay loop is slaughtering capitalists, monarchists, and imperialists using an array of sci-fi and ninja weapons. The player character in Warframe is someone who’s been burned by the control of an empire, and now manages their own tech. It’s the same situation as with the Star Trek community moving here because Star Trek is woke. /pos

              • How does some of the Warframe community reconcile that kind of narrative with its whole business model?

                I’m aware it’s generally considered among the “better ones”, but it still is what it is, a freemium game that by necessity has to push its business model on you since it doesn’t have an upfront cost.

                I guess maybe it inadvertently adds to the atmosphere of being under the heel of capitalists?

                • I have 1000 hours in Warframe and have spent a grand total of 5 dollars on it. I never felt like I needed to spend any more. Sure, it’s annoying getting a platinum discount as a daily reward instead of something useful like tellurium, but that’s the fullest extent of the advertising. The market has a button to hide all items that require platinum to buy. And Darvo’s Deals isn’t even relevant anymore.

                  I’m sure Warframe does have whales, but that’s in the same way weed has addicts. Some people are going to form an addiction no matter what. I’d rather those people be playing warframe than something else, because my gut says there’s a better chance of recovery in a less predatory game. My thinking is those kinds of people develop an addiction because something is wrong in their life circumstances. They’re already looking for something to get sucked into, doesn’t matter what it is. I never felt any kind of pull from Warframe, and while I do have a non addictive personality, I also felt much less annoyed at the game than at other freemium games.

      • Nobody is upset that Reddit is not good for active support comminities. They’re upset that they’re having their options taken away and being exploited for profit.

        Lemmy will never “be that way” so long as people like you perpetuate a self-fulfilling prophecy.

        • I didn’t mean that was a complaint against reddit, I just meant it’s a reason a lot of people have been reluctant to leave. I’d love to see the site die personally, but I still think it’s a little more complicated than self respect.

          Also while yeah I hate to be a person who complains and then doesn’t take any action, I know for a fact that I don’t have it in me to moderate a support group between jobs.

          • but I still think it’s a little more complicated than self respect.

            It’s not. You’d rather let Reddit exploit you so you can continue participating in those communities than to lose access to those communities.

            I don’t have it in me to moderate a support group between jobs.

            You don’t have to do anything additional. All you have to do is stop going to Reddit.