• The choice is playing on PC, because unless the game was designed by complete shitheads who decided they don’t need a settings menu, you’ll actually get a choice of what features you do or don’t enable. Console games should have PC-style settings menus, but they don’t. For me, buying a new PC game always involves chores: turning off chromatic aberration, depth of field, motion blur, and other nonsense so I can claw back like 45 additional FPS.

      • Yeah that’s the other side of it for sure, it’s going to be a lazy port with ham-sized icons, grandma-approved giant text, and menus that can only be navigated with the arrow keys and spacebar.

        Starfield on PC will probably be great after modders finish nhe game for them though. Sucks that the physics are almost certainly going to be tied to the 30fps framerate, hopefully SFSE (starfield script extender) is out not too long after launch