Now that we’re no longer linked to and we can’t subscribe to their communities any more.

How affected were your subscriptions? How many of your subs stopped working?

My subs were mostly beehaw and so I’m looking for new stuff. :)

Do you have some tips for interesteing communities on other instances?

  • Honestly feel like this is more reason to join a smaller instance which can interact with all of these communities. It takes some of the load off of the bigger instances, you can have a closer relationship to the mods/admins of your instance, and have protection against drama that goes down between the bigger instance

      • I wonder how that would work if an instance gets abruptly shut down. Maybe each time you make an account you get a ‘recovery key’ that you can link to your new account on a new instance, thereby taking ownership of your old posts (or at least the ones that got federated out of your old instance).

    • ha, if it turns out anything like mastodon, it’ll be the medium to small instances that have the biggest amount of defederation drama. This whole thing is the most amicable defederation I’ve ever seen.

      Small instances have otherwise been good for mastodon though