Now that we’re no longer linked to and we can’t subscribe to their communities any more.

How affected were your subscriptions? How many of your subs stopped working?

My subs were mostly beehaw and so I’m looking for new stuff. :)

Do you have some tips for interesteing communities on other instances?

  • It’s temporary, so I’m not very fussed. It’s all just part of being in a Fediverse. I deliberately did not create an alt/back-up account, despite most people doing so. (Too likely to spend even more time online!) There are plenty of other community subscriptions to keep me busy even with the current defed.

    Just about everything on is interesting. That’s a science and nature instance you could look into.

    •  HiT3k   ( ) 
      391 year ago

      Details. Basically, there are four people running Beehaw and trying to moderate. Beehaw is not a Reddit replacement, nor is it a troll/free speech friendly place, by design. The intent is for Beehaw to be an open, but curated, instance. That’s why there is a sign up process.

      Those two instances are both large and open sign up enabled, Lemmy today has extremely weak moderation tools compared to Reddit, there’s been a massive influx of traffic and Reddit users, and those two Instances are the place where many trolls are landing.

      It’s temporary, but today the tools and infrastructure are not in place to maintain both open fed with these Instances and preserve the Beehaw identity.

      •  HiT3k   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        ( replying to myself because replying to your comment was bugged, couldn’t post)…

        I hear what you are saying. However, the Fediverse intentionally puts a lot of control into the hands of whoever is running the Instance. I, for one, do believe that the Beehaw Admins want Beehaw to be federated with as many Instances as possible. It’s very clear from their Rules and About posts though, that controlling and curating the atmosphere within this Instance is the #1 priority, and access to content for their own members is a high but secondary priority. They also did not want or ask to be such a huge destination for accounts in the Fediverse. One of the reasons I believe there are so many communities here is because Beehaw is an option for folks who want a safe and controlled platform with a broad range of topics, with discussion that fits a certain community culture that Beehaw espouses. Whether those communities are the largest or most active is not a motivating factor in their creation.

        Beehaw admins seem to be placing the health of their own communities and members above the “greater good” of the Fediverse, which is precisely the kind of decision the Fediverse empowers them to make. They even said that, if necessary, they would move to a whitelist model for Federation. So no, the system will not “continue to be overwhelmed,” because the Admins have been very clear that they will take steps as drastic as necessary to maintain the community and culture they are attempting to build. That’s an entirely legitimate use for Fediverse Instances, even if it rubs many people (myself included) the wrong way.

        For what it’s worth, I have another account on lemmy.dbzer0 and another much smaller Instance which have much more focused communities and open Federation, which embodies a more typical or expected Fediverse user experience. I plan to stick around Lemmy/KBin for the next year or so and watch all this play out. It’s still very early days and these things will work themselves out.

      • Thanks for the update and for the link to the reasoning – I had completely missed it.

        Based on the initial post (only mentioning defederation without linking to the Details), it sounded like the three servers had a falling-out of some sort, but this sounds reasonable. I can appreciate the difficulty of trying to maintain a welcoming environment.

        From a user perspective, I think I’m mostly frustrated with the lack of visibility with these changes, specifically trying to keep track of what I do and don’t have access to. I don’t think that’s the responsibility of beehaw to implement, but I might continue to look for solutions

      • It’s unfortunate that Beehaw started so many communities with such generic names with so few admins. The “beauty” of federation/lemmey/kbin aka “Reddit style” is that communities are supposed to be self-organizing and have their own representation/moderation.

        I think the bigger problem is Beehaw decided to launch so many generic names copying Reddit’s busiest and most generic reddits without thinking through the moderationand traffic overhead.

        it should be instances have their champion topics and they’re federated or if they have the manpower/technology and funding they can go for the big generic names.

        I get why things were defederated - but blaming open registrations is a cop-out (a big lie… you can’t know people by their registration info). It was bad "systems thinking’ that led to an overwhelmed system that will continue to be overwhelmed.

  • Honestly feel like this is more reason to join a smaller instance which can interact with all of these communities. It takes some of the load off of the bigger instances, you can have a closer relationship to the mods/admins of your instance, and have protection against drama that goes down between the bigger instance

      • I wonder how that would work if an instance gets abruptly shut down. Maybe each time you make an account you get a ‘recovery key’ that you can link to your new account on a new instance, thereby taking ownership of your old posts (or at least the ones that got federated out of your old instance).

    • ha, if it turns out anything like mastodon, it’ll be the medium to small instances that have the biggest amount of defederation drama. This whole thing is the most amicable defederation I’ve ever seen.

      Small instances have otherwise been good for mastodon though

    • Honestly, I wish this wasn’t necessary. This is the worst thing about federation, in my opinion - inter-instance politics results in one instance admin defederating from another and all of the users of that instance, who may have no knowledge of nor care about the reason for the defederation, have all of their subscriptions disrupted. It’d be nice if it didn’t remove already-subscribed communities, and instead just prevented them from showing up to other users under the Communities list / in the ‘All’ list.

  • I went over to kbin (I already had an account there) and replicated my subscription list as best I could. Splitting my time between here and there. I wish I didn’t have to have two separate accounts, though! I didn’t want to be fragmented.

  •  Karce   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    I just started a small instance called if anyone is interested in joining. We’re focused on magic and mysticism, especially psychonautics.

    Also super friendly and we’ve yet to ban any instances since we’re still small and haven’t needed to. We run the “magic” community, which is mostly general for anything magical - fantasy or otherwise anyone wants to post about.

  • I don’t think I subbed to anything on those two instances, so I’m not affected at all. I only recently switched to subscribed on the front page too as default so if I missed anything from them, I haven’t noticed. Beehaw have grown large and active enough to make up most of my front page at this point.

    I think out of all the federated subs I have, the active an interesting ones to me are coming out of I also sub to a few fediverse related ones, one of which actually posted about Beehaw’s decision to defederate from and There were some takes that miss the point. There were also those who defended Beehaw’s decision too. It was interesting to see the interactions unfold.

  • Tangent:

    I’m here through kbin, reading your post from beehaw. Reading “Now that we’re no longer linked …” made me go “We? I can see content from,, and beehaw just fine.”

    Not trying to throw shade, just pointing out that even though the post absolutely recognizes the new landscape provided by the fediverse, it’s easy to stay in “old world” siloed modes of thinking.

  • I was subscribed to a lot of pretty niche communities on, so safe to say I’m disappointed in that regard. I’m happy the mods here are trying to make this place safer, but I think it would help to be able to make your own communities at some point.

    I’m currently browsing for communities to replace those small ones that I lost hold of.

  • I have the feeling things are going to get bigger here on very soon and its quite possible we’ll be taking the meme niche of the fediverse

  • I’m new here, so i hadn’t much time to engage there. One thing i was happy to find was a ADHD community on, it’s a bit of a bummer that i can’t access it from here. I think it’s the largest one. Found another one on kbin though and ADHD memes is really cool.

  • I had just subbed to some on both servers, but hadn’t interacted in any yet. So it hasn’t affected me too badly. I just need to go find different versions of those communities, since most of the witchy ones I could find were over there.

  • I wish I could fully move to kbin and avoid the federation drama but there’s currently no way to move my post and comment history to a new account. I guess for now I’ll just use kbin to view the communities I can no longer see in Beehaw.