• They’re paying for a portion of your attention. They’re slowly building an association with their product such that when you finally get around to buying say a VPN subscription your first thought is “Nord.”

      It’s not going to affect everyone the same, for instance my thoughts on VPNs are “anything but Nord”; but they only need a fraction of users to develop a positive association with their brand.

    •  dan   ( @dan@upvote.au ) 
      2 years ago

      You’d be surprised. Advertisers wouldn’t be running the ads if they didn’t have positive ROI (return on investment). A good ROI is usually at least 5x (that is, for every dollar the advertiser spends on ads, they make five dollars). Google’s estimates are even higher at 8x:

      we conservatively estimate that for every $1 a business spends on Google Ads, they receive $8 in profit through Google Search and Ads.

      (source: https://economicimpact.google/methodology/)

      Retargeting ads - the ones where you view a product somewhere then see ads for it on Google, Facebook, etc - are especially successful. They have a very good clickthrough rate since the product is already something the user expressed interest in.